05-06-2023 11:42 AM
I’m not getting pictures or some messages from android users. I’ve checked my settings and they seem ok. I used to get them, but I don’t anymore. What can the issue be?
05-06-2023 12:28 PM
Is your software update iOS 16.4.1(a)?
People have reported connectivity issues on the older iOS 16 updates.
05-06-2023 12:11 PM
Make sure you turn on MMS under Settings --> Messages. You're likely using iMessage with your iphone contacts, so you haven't noticed it not working. But you need MMS on if iMessage falls back to MMS and for any non iOS phones to message you.
05-06-2023 11:58 AM
Did you recently change phones? Any issues with data services? Run out recently or you turn off data?
iMessaging with iphone requires data to be active (or on Wifi).
Make sure that MMS messaging in settings is also turn on
05-06-2023 11:51 AM
I have an iPhone 13
05-06-2023 11:49 AM
What make and model phone do you have?