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Not Recieving All My Texts

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I am getting very frustrated. Back in AUGUST I posted about not getting many of my texts that are being sent to me from multiple people with multiple carriers. I have changed apps checked for blocking made sure there is memory available cleared cache more times than i've slept deleted messages got a new SIM been in contact with both @Mary_M and ACER and all they can do is point their fingers at each other. @Mary_M is either over worked or disorganized because she keeps asking me the same questions and we are going in circles.


Acer says it's not the phone as its not all messages. PM says its not them as we've replaced the SIM.


Community I NEED HELP. What is the next level? HOW do i get ACER and PM in the same room? This is rediculous! It takes days to get a response from PM and they ask the SAME QUESTION?


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Update: Sent the phone to Acer, they didn't bother to even look at it and a new phone (I know this because of billing problems... as they don't have records of recieving my phone.)


The brand new phone is doing the same thing.

@Charanth182 Where do you live? I'm willing to trade phones (an old Samsung Galaxy Ace II) for a while; trading just for bit of security. Robot wink

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle





The very best way to pinpoint the problem is to borrow another phone. Install your SIM and see if the problem persists.


Where do you live? Someone may have a spare phone if you cannot access one yourself.


If this ACER is an Android phone you could also try @srlawren's suggestion of the app Textra fto replace the native texting app.


Definitely a pain! Robot Mad

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.
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