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Need update autopay info?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My credit card has been changed the expire dates and cvv, but keep the same numbers. Should I update the autopay information?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks ! You are all helpful!

Mayor / Maire


I just click on one time payment and in the middle of the page you can click on manage my card or you can also do it thru "edit my profile" on the overview page there is a link at the top of the that page. Then I follow this procedure....


Follow this method when making a manual payment/adding a card to the account....only use the emboldened portion of the instructions if the payment card is already on file.


  1. Reboot your device.
  2. Clear your browser, use secret/incognito mode in firefox, chrome or safari.
  3. Choose replace card rather than remove card.
  4. Copy your address from your billing statement.
  5. Add your apt/unit/suite # to the street address. ie. 101-123 1ST AVE W, CITY, PROV.
  6. Do not put a space in the postal code. X0X0X0 not X0X 0X0.
  7. USE ALL CAPS if necessary.
  8. Do not use autofill. Type everything manually.

Once you successfully update your card do not attempt your payment immediately. Log out/in then go to make a payment to pay for your renewal. Otherwise if you were not suspended I would recommend a $1 test payment. Follow my further instructions for a successful payment to unsuspend your account.


Do not try more than two attempts at adding a card or payments ( successful or not) or you will continue to get this message. Wait at least 1 hour to try a third time another hour for your 5th try....and so on....and do not make more than 4 unsuccessful tries with the same card in a 24 hour period or you will trigger a fraud alert lock out requiring assistance from customer support.



Go to make a payment. Choose the "other amount" option and add $1 more than the amount owing and submit the payment. If that is successful go back to your overview page and if it does not say active  click on the reactivate button. If that works log out and reboot. If that does not work and your payment is in your balance rather than showing $1 then go to the usage or plans page. Click on lost/stolen and suspend your service. Log out/in. Resume your service. Your balance should now be $1. Log out and reboot.

Mayor / Maire

@Me20 - after you remove the card (as @MrSpock posted) and enter the new one in, ensure you also re-enable the  Autopay option.



Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Me20 The best thing is to go into self serve in payment,manage card remove old card and start new if you replace, it has a tendency to mess up

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