05-05-2022 07:04 AM
05-05-2022 01:03 PM
05-05-2022 08:18 AM - edited 05-05-2022 08:19 AM
@ChantalAyotte wrote:On May 2 when I made my monthly payment amount due only I noticed my payment that was currently due only it seemed not to go through and I made another payment to make sure and that went through finally. I noticed on my online banking and on my account I got charged twice!
@ChantalAyotte So you weren't charged/billed twice, you paid twice, thinking the first one didn't go through? There should be funds available sitting in your account as shown by @softech. Are they there? If so it's easier to leave them for the next renewal as it will take that long to get a refund.
05-05-2022 07:57 AM
@ChantalAyotte Can you confirm if the amount that you paid extra is showing as Available Fund like this, mine shows $0 but yours could be another amount
If the overpaid amount is showing in Available Fund, it is better to leave it there, PM would use that amount towards for your next renewal. It is easier to let it stay here. PM usually don't provide refund as this is a prepaid provider. Even they agree to proceed with a refund, like any credit card refund, it could take 2 weeks to go back to your cc account, hence it is better to leave the fund there
If you still want try to request the refund, please submit a ticket:
1. If you have access to My account: At https://publicmobile.ca/chatbot.
Start by typing "Submit a ticket", then click "Contact Us", Then click "Other", then click "Click here to submit a ticket ↗"
2. If you don't have access to My Account or have trouble with Chatbot: Private message CS Agent at:
**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on the top right) after the ticket is opened. CS Agent will reply you there
05-05-2022 07:51 AM
On May 2 when I made my monthly payment amount due only I noticed my payment that was currently due only it seemed not to go through and I made another payment to make sure and that went through finally. I noticed on my online banking and on my account I got charged twice!
05-05-2022 07:15 AM - edited 05-05-2022 07:16 AM
@ChantalAyotte wrote:I got billed twice this month when I only pay monthly only!
@ChantalAyotte Does your payment history in your account show 2 payments taken or is it your credit card? CC can show an authorized and a posted transaction at the same time making it look like you have been charged twice. The "authorized" or pending charge usually drops off after a few days.
If PM billed you twice there should be money showing as Funds Available in your account main page. If this is so it's easier to leave the money there for next month as it will take that long to get it refunded anyway. You should still contact Customer Service to have them look into what happened. See below:
1. Open a ticket through the automated ticketing system (faster response time) by clicking the chat bubble located at the bottom right of this page or ---------->Click Me<---------- ;
2. Contact them through direct messaging at the following link (note this way may take longer for a response);
---------->Click here<----------
In either case you should receive a reply within 48 hours though they are typically much faster. Keep an eye on the envelope icon top right for replies.
Edited for typos.
05-05-2022 07:14 AM
Public Mobile has no monthly plans. Current plans are 30 days in length, so it's possible that plan renewal could occur twice in the same month.
05-05-2022 07:07 AM
@ChantalAyotte did it got charged twice or billed twice?
If you got charged twice, do you se the some fun sitting as Available Fund in your My Account? Usually those overcharged will be there and can stay there for next renewal
If it was not charged twice but got billed twice, can you explain further, maybe post some screenshots