05-17-2024 08:53 PM
My monthly payment has increased by seven dollars plus,I would like to know why
05-17-2024 10:57 PM
Yah what aload of crap. you lose $7. a month credit and get points for a one time monthly credit. you think of all the people who lost that, that adds up to alot of $$$ for PM. really no bennefit for customers anymore, i will be looking elsewhere for my mobile service.
05-17-2024 09:07 PM
All members are forced to switch from the Legacy Rewards to the Points Rewards.
No points for AutoPay and you need to collect 15 points to redeem a $15 credit.
You should have gotten 5 points for the switch, 1 point/referral and 5% in point based on your monthly bill.