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Let's Reduce Clutter and Improve Quality

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Hi All,


Over the last couple of weeks, I've seen a reduction in the quality of posts and an increase in posts for the sake of posting. Too often I'll see the same answer repeated over and over and moderators being tagged way too quickly.


The community does a fantastic job of replying quickly to new posts, but often times I'll see new topics with multiple replies all saying "tagging the moderator for you".. I myself have been guilty of this. 


I know everyone wants to be involved in the community, but I think its far more valuable to provide some quality by asking questions that may help debug the problem or in other cases refraining from posting the same solution as the one posted already. 


I myself haven't been on these forums for an extended period and still consider myself a "new customer", but I have seen a change in the quality in my short time here.




Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I would also like to suggest that EVERYONE use the search function. it will save space and repetition. Just because YOU are now having the issue someone else had 3 months ago, does not mean you need to make a new thread. That is kinda why there is a search box top left.


Now if you want to rekindle a thread, necroposting is also discouraged so in this case it would make sense to start a SIMILAR thread, but not a copy.


This will overall, increase the quality and meaning to threads. Now keep in mind I am not discouraging the community from posting in regards to their difficulties, but please search before posting.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It looks like Public Mobile created this problem when they required people to post in a forum to solve issues with their service. I PM'd a moderator to help me with my port issue (along with countless others it seems). No response, message has not even been read.


It looks like the solution might be to make a thread. That is what seems to work? That would make clutter, but sorry, I have no other choice.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Don't get me wrong... there are definitely times when moderators need to be tagged, or additional posts made...but there are also times when moderators dont need to be tagged nor additional posts made. 


I completely agree that often it is needed

In some cases, its multiple posters within moments of each other, as they're all responding at the same time.  In these cases, it can't be helped for the repetition.  


Sometimes, it's a case of expanding on a previous post to make something more clear.  I know I've missed a point or two responding, and @Luddite or @srlawren will add a little bit more.


if it helps someone out, it's all good in my books.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I agree with you. And I'm also quilty of tagging the mods. However, I remember when I first joined PM I posted a problem and someone else tagged the mods which helped me get their attention. I didn't even know who to contact at that point so tagging the mods isn't completely useless.

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