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Las Vegas - Data

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My in-laws are in Las Vegas, had purchased the current add-on for the 3GB roaming plan for the US. It doesn't appear that their data is working on either of their two phones. I do read that some US carriers have dropped their 3G networks. Has anyone else had success with Public Mobile's US data roaming plans in Vegas?


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Make sure the data roaming is ON.

I have been on 3G plan, purchased US Data add-on when I was travelling in US last year. No hassle, no issue.

@BKNS27 wrote:


They should now be able to use VoLTE on T-Mobile network but they need to manual connect to T-Mobile in the phone settings.

That's only true if the accounts have already had VoLTE enabled by Public Mobile.  VoLTE being enabled or not would have no effect on data not working in the US, at least while not on voice call.

Mayor / Maire


They should now be able to use VoLTE on T-Mobile network but they need to manual connect to T-Mobile in the phone settings.

Mayor / Maire



that should have no impact on their ability to access data.


Have they turned on roaming and manually connected to the T mobile network?

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