01-07-2018 11:24 AM - edited 01-04-2022 03:15 PM
I have not seen this isssue addressed much, and the last post I saw on the issue was more than a year ago.
When I travel outside Canada and the US my PM SIM is currently useless. Are there any plans at all regarding this?
If PM is not planning to do its own service (or strike a deal with Telus for international roaming add-ons) could it at least try to partner with an existing international roaming provider suck as Knowroaming?
01-07-2018 05:46 PM
I was listening to my local tech talk show over the weekend and they mentioned that you can have a max 50$ roaming charge per billing cycle is $5/day = 10 days the rest is no charge. They also mentions asking to change billing cycles if your trip overlapped two billing cycles. I know not relevant to PM, but we don't all have just pm accounts. More info can be found on shownotes.ca travel tab.
01-07-2018 03:53 PM
Given the pace of change in recent times, don't expect any upgrades at all. That way expectations will not go unfufilled. Our rates are so non competitive compared to other parts of the world, it will always be best to shop local.
01-07-2018 03:49 PM - edited 01-07-2018 03:51 PM
@Luddite, Thanks for your reply.
I was aware of knowroaming (as well as onesimcard, maxroam and a few others) but not giffgaff. The nice thing about knowroaming is that WhatsApp is always free.
I had hoped that PM, should it choose not to do international roaming itself, would at least partner with one of these companies to provide a preferred (and hopefully discounted) option. With Shaw buying Wind and getting aggressive, there now is high-end credible competition to PM for the first time ever, and Freedom does have a roaming option.
Until now I have been buying local prepaid SIMs when traveling (UK, UAE, China, Singapore) and it's always been cheaper than any Canadian roaming plan. Having a dual-SIM phone like the Oneplus 5T doesn't hurt. But the waits at the airport booth and the cumbersome purchase process in some countries (took two separate trips and a three-page application to get an Airtel SIM in India!) is something I would often like to avoid.
01-07-2018 01:54 PM - edited 01-07-2018 01:54 PM
@rohith_reddi wrote:Bro.. You can add-on $8 Canda and US calling plan
You can check it Here..https://publicmobile.ca/en/on/plans#add-ons
Your suggestion is not relevant to this particular discussion. The op is looking for the feature of using their PM SIM outside Canada and the US.
The $8 long distance add-on only covers calls from Canada to Canadian numbers outside your province (if you are on a province wide calling plan) and most US numbers (there are restrictions, see the fine print)
01-07-2018 01:50 PM
@rohith_reddi that doesn't help when you leave Canada
01-07-2018 01:45 PM
Bro.. You can add-on $8 Canda and US calling plan
You can check it Here..https://publicmobile.ca/en/on/plans#add-ons
01-07-2018 12:37 PM
PM is a no frills phone carrier, so I would not expect international roaming (other than US) to become available any time soon.
01-07-2018 12:31 PM
For worldwide roaming you could look at https://www.knowroaming.com or https://www.giffgaff.com (this is also a local UK SIM). Both will deliver a SIM to your door and have roaming agreements in most countries. I use giffgaff in Canada as an emergency backup (plus I do visit UK now and then) that costs ~30c/min with Fongo.
BUT BEWARE: roaming is expensive unless you stick to free wifi and use it only in emergencies. Local SIM plans are always cheaper, if less convenient.
BTW: if you are willing to use giffgaff send me a private message and we both get £5 credit when you activate with £10!
01-07-2018 11:42 AM
@el56 no one in the community knows of plans regarding roaming. if i were to guess i woud not count on it.
If roaming is important to you then I would suggest a different carrier or a roaming sim service.
depending where you go/how often you might want to invest inn a local sim. if europe i believe now there are no roaming fees so 1 sim could work all over.