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International texting

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My plan says International texting, but I can’t send or receive any texts/SMS from Switzerland.



Mayor / Maire


Is this a business or personal contact? Or is it a short code? International short codes are hit and miss. If this is the issue and it previously worked with pm then its on the sender's end. They may have changed the short code or its perimeters and it no longer can be recieved as it once was...this is common for short codes from financial institutions, brokerages, investment firms and the like as they have strict security guidelines and policies.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

No, I’ can’t. I used to be able to receive an SMS from Switzerland for years, but 3 month ago it

stopped working

Is your phone an iPhone? Do you have data turned on in your phone?

@Idieh   You can receive local text without problem?  

can another friend from another phone in Switzerland tries to text you?  Another phone is the key

Similarly , can you text your other friends in Switzerland (those with other numbers)?


Just want to confirm if it is an issue with a single friend (single number) in Switzerland or anyone in Switzerland cannot text you


Check if you accidentally blocked that particular contact

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

no, I’m in Canada and want to receive a text from Switzerland. I used to get it, but since 2 month it doesn’t work anymore

Mayor / Maire


So you and your phone are IN Switzerland? You would have no service there as PM only works in Canada or in the USA with appropriate roaming package. That’s it.

Mayor / Maire

@Idieh you can only text to other countries from Canada you cannot send any texts from Switzerland with your public sim

Mayor / Maire


Can you send and recieve from other european countries?

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