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International calling to the 7 countries

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Guys, did you try to do conference calling in between countries and does it work well? I am not getting HD calling symbol (I have an android) when calling and putting a Canadian number + UK number in the same call, and 1 person mentioned that the audio isnt that clear, compared to when I was just personally calling that person! 
Your pov or feedback is appreciated 


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Interesting 🤔 

I did notice this too, like each day, it's different and call quality changes a lot. I felt like maybe Telus does something, considering PM is a Tier 3 MVNO and they don't want the best features to go to PM, just like speed capping. I noticed they do these a lot when the potential is there lol. Thank you! 

@Shubh2023 wrote:

Yes, it is on VoLTE list, so calling inside Canada works great, clear audio, no doubt! 
PM to PM, I do get HD+ calling and for others, just HD, but I feel like it depends on the other person's reception too, isnt it? Like if they dont have good reception, we wont be connected in a HD call
I tried calling my cousin in UK and then a family member in India, but one of them mentioned it to be a bit distorted 

I hate to use Mother Nature as an excuse but......   🙂  Sometimes the weather can cause signal interruption along with network congestion.  There are days when I call my uncle in Italy and it's crisp and clear. There are some days where it's gargled and pixel like if that makes sense.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Yes, it is on VoLTE list, so calling inside Canada works great, clear audio, no doubt! 
PM to PM, I do get HD+ calling and for others, just HD, but I feel like it depends on the other person's reception too, isnt it? Like if they dont have good reception, we wont be connected in a HD call
I tried calling my cousin in UK and then a family member in India, but one of them mentioned it to be a bit distorted 

Mayor / Maire

hi @Shubh2023 is you phone on PM VoLTE list?

I didn't use Conf call for LD, but 1-on-1 LD calls work well

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