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In the US and Not getting service on US roaming or our Public Mobile

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

We purchased US roaming service and didn't get a SIM card. We're on Long Island without any cell service. I suspect we should've got a SIM card or maybe T mobile is not available here. Either way, we want to get rid of US roaming so we can use or normal cell service with Public Mobile. 


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

OP, you indicated "No mobile data in our settings. I went incognito and it still says we added on US roaming unlimited talk and text and that we have used up 2 of the 15 days".


If you wanted mobile data while in the US, you should have added the Unlimited U.S. Talk, Text and 3GB Data Bundle instead of just the Unlimited talk and text.  You may be able to add one of the U.S. Data Only add-ons.


If PM talk and text isn't working while in the US, it may be that PM's default connection to T-Mobile is LTE for both voice and data - you have to force your phone to use 2G as others have indicated.

Every phone has a Use Data When Roaming option. It has to be turned on.


Is your phone connected to a network down there? Did you get a "Welcome to the US" text?

@smehayes   you need data in your trip now?


try for local data prepaid solution (get it from walmart or target) 


Or you can get  eSIM like  I used it and very easy to setup 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have tried everything in this thread. no luck. No mobile data in our settings. I went incognito and it still says we added on US roaming unlimited talk and text and that we have used up 2 of the 15 days. When on a busy vacation there is not a lot of time for troubleshooting so we're living in no cell hell. I created a ticket over 24 hours ago with no response. Guess they don't work on the weekend. I do appreciate everyone's suggestions in this community.

@hycm53- 2G. 🙂

@smehayes- Settings, Mobile data, Mobile data options, Voice & data - can you find 2G here? If so select it for talk. Text will work here as well.

Have you done any of the troubleshooting suggested in this thread? You still haven't confirmed what roaming add-on you purchased. 


Additionally you may want to login to your Public Mobile account in Incognito Mode to ensure the add-on is actually there. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@smehayes wrote:

Just figured out that our issue is that our IPhone is 6S so cannot be VoLTE enabled. Would have good if they indicated that before we paid for add on and lost our access to our Public Mobile cell service. Anyone know how we can cancel the roaming now so that we can go back to our regular cell service?

iPhone 6S should be fine data and text, voice call may have issue. 

Connect your phone to T Mobile, set 3G on your phone. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Just figured out that our issue is that our IPhone is 6S so cannot be VoLTE enabled. Would have good if they indicated that before we paid for add on and lost our access to our Public Mobile cell service. Anyone know how we can cancel the roaming now so that we can go back to our regular cell service?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@smehayes wrote:

We just spoke to the local ATT store and they said that it's between Public Mobile and T-Mobile to get it linked to T-Mobile. He said we don't need a SIM card. His opinion was that Public Mobile hasn't activated the roaming service.


Do you have the PM sim card in your phone? The US roaming add on that needs your PM sim card in your phone to work! If you don't have then PM US add on wont' work on your phone and you really need a local sim card such as T Mobile sim card to work. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

We just spoke to the local ATT store and they said that it's between Public Mobile and T-Mobile to get it linked to T-Mobile. He said we don't need a SIM card. His opinion was that Public Mobile hasn't activated the roaming service.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@smehayes wrote:

We purchased US roaming service and didn't get a SIM card. We're on Long Island without any cell service. I suspect we should've got a SIM card or maybe T mobile is not available here. Either way, we want to get rid of US roaming so we can use or normal cell service with Public Mobile. 

US roaming add on doesn't need a sim card, the only sim card you need is the PM sim card. Try manually to connect to T Mobile if the phone can't automatically connect to T Mobile and turn on data and roam. Set LTE on your phone it you can. Don't change your phone APN settings!

I had to read it a couple times to decipher what I think they are saying, which is: They chose to purchase a PM roaming add-on instead of purchasing a local sim card.

Mayor / Maire


What do you mean you didn’t get a SIM card? You need the PM SIM in your phone and manually connect to the T-Mobile network.

Mayor / Maire

Which roaming add-on did you purchase? Just data? Just calling and SMS? Or the bundle that includes them all? And are all services not working? Calling can be problematic if you're not upgraded to VoLTE yet, but SMS and data shouldn't be a problem, assuming there's T-Mobile coverage.


Do you have data roaming turned on in your device settings? And do you have network selection set to automatic? 

Mayor / Maire

The only way to use your Public services in the states is with roaming add-ons.

Set the network choice to automatic. Set the networks to LTE etc. Do you know if your device has been enabled for volte yet? If not then are you able to manually switch down to 2G/GSM?

But yes coverage varies for all providers.

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