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I can't login

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I tried to login to my secondary account to update my visa card information and it says the email is not valid and i can't log in.

I don't remember the account number and I tried to resign in and reset the email address and the server is all confused. I am not sure what to do now.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@sfy never said anything about a single login for all, I was just saying the system could be less clunky managing them, so users don't face the issues they are.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@XionBunny  Managing multiple accounts will always require access to each account. There will never, I hope, be single login for multiple accounts. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I was able to reset my password

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Good luck, they really do need to add features to allow customers to manage multiple accounts, it would go a long way to easing some self-service issues here, several other customers have problems like you.

Mayor / Maire

@Yoon1x - have you created the EverSafe login info for this 2nd account. Remember here, each account needs it's own unique email address.

There may be cache issues if you logged into another account with the same device and browser you are using. So try another device or browser. OR, open a tab in incognito mode and try again.

Mayor / Maire

@Yoon1x  Try again but once you put in the email you know to be correct tap forgot password then verify thru email create new password and then log in again and have code sent to phone verify and you should be logged in 

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