a month ago
Yesterday, I lost service. I am unable to call ou receive call. The phone tells that I am connected to Public Mobile service. If I try to call, the phone try a connection saying "logging in..." but nothing changes until it stops calling.
Please help me.
a month ago
HI @fndemers
that's problem with 3G in your area. If you change network mode to 3G, it will likely show not connected, but you can try
and check any outage in your aread
a month ago
I had rebooted my phone but no change. I have a old flip phone which was working well yesterday morning.
Strange enough I can receive text and send but I cannot call and receive call.
I have moved my SIM card on my old phone and all is all right now! With my old phone only. 😞
It seems that my flip phone has a problem.
Or the "hiccup" yesterday has broken my flip... 😞 Or is it a small change on the network that my flip is not able to manage?
a month ago
hi @fndemers
there was some call issues yesterday or the day before for me, too, but it was just a short hiccup
Try reboot the phone and test again
a month ago
Is your account status active versus suspended? What about data? texting?
Might want to try a reboot of the phone (if not tried already). Next, try a network reset of phone (note: this will erase any saved Wifi passwords).