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Feedback on porting new number

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Some of you may remember me.. I am not back, but I helped someone port into PM over the weekend. As some of you know, when I first joined, I had no issues with signing up and porting. Here's my feedback on a recent port from Chatr.

1)Sign-up is very buggy.

2)At first, the SIM was supposedly invalid. I restarted the sign-up screen, hoping that the entered SIM number is not retained somehow by PM's software and would allow me to continue. I guessed right, and I got further.

3)Second, the alternate phone number I entered gave an error. Then 3 other alternate phone numbers also gave errors. Crazy! Now I have to restart all over? - I thought to myself. Again, hoping nothing has been retained by PM's software, I restarted the whole process. Success!

4)Port was successful within an hour

5)Refer a friend and the 6x10MO bonus were applied within a day. Nice!


Overall, it would not have been possible for this person to port without my help. This is very sad and PM needs to fix the sign-up process. Over the past couple of years it should have been possible to fix these




True, the Public Mobile website is still finicky and needs to be improved.  But, I think that this weekend, the website was more slower and buggy more than usual.  Likely due to the many activations that happened near the end of the 6 x $10 promotion.  


The problem with this forum is that we see all the problems.  The majority of activations/ports go smoothly.  

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