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Fail to porting my old phone number

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
I'd been trying to transferred my fido number to PM for a week ago but it still fail to port my number properly. Then I sent private message to MOD and email on Nov 20 but still didn't get any reply regarding my issue. BTW, my old phone is still activate please let me know how to fix my problem. Thanks!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Guess I need a staff or MOD to fix my problem as i used up all of the options and knowledges trying to solve it in the past week... but the point is each MOD works in different day and it's so hard to get their respond right in time as they may not available in the next few day again...I just don't know how to get MOD to fix my problem...I didn't get any respond even by email either😭😭😭

An experiment to try:

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@illuty did you try your old sim card?  (didn't see a reply to that)  in most cases of failed ports the old sim works and you can make and recieve calls. 


the mods are working on the backlog.   They had over 14,000 orders in the last 20 days of the promo. As long as you sent them all the required info  for the port they will resposnd and they will adjust the billing cycle accordingly to the port out date and your old provider will prorate your bill to the port out date.


required info incules:

old account number

old account name

PM sim number

PM email address of account

PM new number (if different)

PM sim


this list is a litte longer than what is mentioned in the contact us post but a little extra info doesnt hurt.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Thanks for your information. let me check if I can contact one of them today

The porting process involves both carriers, and when the information matches up on both ends, it automatically goes through. If there's an issue with the information provided, it appears that the port gets stuck, and needs manual intervention. The problem is that with PM being so backed up with messages, that a simple fix can take days. Sorry to hear of your predicament!


If your port is already stuck, attempting to change the phone number again, probably won't do anything. I just hope one of the moderators can soon get to your request. I see at least 3 moderators on during the weekdays, and there are two here today Mary_M and Caroline_D.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
I guess quite many ppl got the same problem as mine tho. Outgoing calls are working fine but not incoming calls and messages. At first, I also believe my port didn't go through as well but I tried to port my old number again on "change phone number" section, It mentioned experienced difficulties on porting my phone number. That's why I'm kinda confused if the porting is still ongoing.

Mayor / Maire

If your old phone is still active, there's a good chance your port didn't even go through. Can you give some more details about what's happening? Going to need more details if the Community is going to be able to help you (while you wait for a moderator to contact you).




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