04-27-2020 10:42 PM - edited 01-05-2022 10:33 AM
So I am doing some research on PM and finding that right now there are some good deals on half price sim cards, discounted vouchers, credit cards that have affiliate program with PM so many ways to save money which is great. The community looks very helpful and many people eager to help as well. I am very active on many boards and have reached out to a few members for help behind the scenes as I don't want to be the NEWB who asks a million questions that have been asked a million times so this is my first thread.
Everything has been great with the answer to my private questions they know who they are that helped me.
I do have a question though within a few minutes of signing up I received messages from people asking me to use their codes now I am not sure what the thoughts are on that. My other communities kinda frown on the mass messaging of the new person side of things but who knows this site might be different
04-29-2020 06:01 PM
04-28-2020 01:56 AM
@looking4deal, I have to give community members credit for touching base with you with their referral codes. I would never think of that. But, then again, I would think you need to sign up with Public Mobile, and you need to enter the referral code then:
My two cents: First come first serve. They helped you, sure go for it. Or take somebody else who hasn't ever have the first referral.
Welcome to Public Mobile, and the only thing am going to offer is make sure you sign up for Autopay for the $2 savings. That's it!
04-27-2020 11:50 PM
@darlicious its especially difficult on the mobile site.
04-27-2020 11:48 PM - edited 04-27-2020 11:49 PM
To link a website ( my skills on this are still sketchy at best) tap and hold the web address at the top of your browser until a box pops up....then tap copy address. Then in your post tap and hold till another box pops up and tap paste. Copy and paste. How you hide it behind a word or put it anywhere but not at the top of your post....i haven't mastered that yet! It has something to do with the icon beside the camera icon but I get flustered and then frustrated so I leave it alone for now.
04-27-2020 11:20 PM
@brettster99 wrote:@Naepalm @Thanks for the help on that.
Also there’s a new one also. I don’t know yet how to link it but I did copy the text from it
PMreferral.codes - Friend Referral Code website
Hi everyone!
Today I am launching [PMreferral.codes](https://pmreferral.codes) to instantly access Public Mobile friend referral codes.
I know there was a site that did this before, but since it’s been offline for a couple weeks, I made a new one!
1. You can View a friend referral code by going to [PMreferral.codes](https://pmreferral.codes) and clicking VIEW CODE. This presents the referral code, and a QR code that you can scan with your phone to go to the activation page.
2. You can Add your own referral code by going to [PMreferral.codes](https://pmreferral.codes), entering your 6-digit code, and clicking ADD MY CODE.
Note - the Viewed codes are displayed randomly. However, less-viewed codes are more likely to be displayed, because I keep track of how many times a code has been viewed. I am open to suggestions on this feature in order to prevent misuse!
Note 2 - to prevent conflicts of interest, I have not added my own referral code. It’s purely a side project for my portfolio (I’m in school for programming!). You can review the source code [here](https://gist.github.com/pmreferrals/b65a2a88ece2de4950b2e66d151b7da1), it's just a simple Flask app.
I hope this is helpful - and please let me know your feedback and suggestions! “
You can get a referral on Craigslist or eBay just as easily if you don't know some one with a referral. You will make a friend too...to help you out. This website mentioned is totally not very personable.
04-27-2020 11:13 PM
@Naepalm @Thanks for the help on that.
Also there’s a new one also. I don’t know yet how to link it but I did copy the text from it
PMreferral.codes - Friend Referral Code website
Hi everyone!
Today I am launching [PMreferral.codes](https://pmreferral.codes) to instantly access Public Mobile friend referral codes.
I know there was a site that did this before, but since it’s been offline for a couple weeks, I made a new one!
1. You can View a friend referral code by going to [PMreferral.codes](https://pmreferral.codes) and clicking VIEW CODE. This presents the referral code, and a QR code that you can scan with your phone to go to the activation page.
2. You can Add your own referral code by going to [PMreferral.codes](https://pmreferral.codes), entering your 6-digit code, and clicking ADD MY CODE.
Note - the Viewed codes are displayed randomly. However, less-viewed codes are more likely to be displayed, because I keep track of how many times a code has been viewed. I am open to suggestions on this feature in order to prevent misuse!
Note 2 - to prevent conflicts of interest, I have not added my own referral code. It’s purely a side project for my portfolio (I’m in school for programming!). You can review the source code [here](https://gist.github.com/pmreferrals/b65a2a88ece2de4950b2e66d151b7da1), it's just a simple Flask app.
I hope this is helpful - and please let me know your feedback and suggestions! “
04-27-2020 11:13 PM
@looking4deal wrote:So I am doing some research on PM and finding that right now there are some good deals on half price sim cards, discounted vouchers, credit cards that have affiliate program with PM so many ways to save money which is great. The community looks very helpful and many people eager to help as well. I am very active on many boards and have reached out to a few members for help behind the scenes as I don't want to be the NEWB who asks a million questions that have been asked a million times so this is my first thread.
Everything has been great with the answer to my private questions they know who they are that helped me.
I do have a question though within a few minutes of signing up I received messages from people asking me to use their codes now I am not sure what the thoughts are on that. My other communities kinda frown on the mass messaging of the new person side of things but who knows this site might be different
There are actually free SIM cards on eBay and Craigslist if you use the sellers referral code. That is how I got mine.
04-27-2020 11:12 PM
@looking4deal have younfound PM to be a good fit for you? Are you testing the waters? Who let younknow about it?
Is PM the only.one you are "doing research on?"
04-27-2020 11:11 PM - edited 04-27-2020 11:12 PM
" My other communities kinda frown on the mass messaging of the new person side of things but who knows this site might be different"
@looking4deal What other communities are those, can you share?
04-27-2020 11:10 PM
@looking4deal Welcome to PM and our community. Yes, this provider is great, and due to its reward program, it can win over all other providers in terms of savings. Hope you will like here.
04-27-2020 11:02 PM - edited 04-27-2020 11:05 PM
@looking4deal I asked this exact question when I started.
My issue was when I was messaged multiple time from the same person. But that being said I was met with responses that said "When I first started no one gave me a code and I wish I had that, I missed out"
I also noticed when you came in you announced I am looking for a deal. hence your name. Would you think that many thought hey if you want a deal here is an option save you another $10.00, use it or not?
Here is the reddit referral that @brettster99 is referring to:
04-27-2020 11:00 PM
I totally agree with what @gblackma has said. He has been around the block her and has helped out many other customers (including myself)
Now it is frowned upon and actually against the terms of service to post the referral code on pm community page. But if you are getting private messages and you did ask then go for the first person.
If you didn’t then like what @gblackma report them as it’s really frowned up.
Now if you want to share yours there’s a Reddit bot for public mobile referrals that you could put yours in so you could potentially get a couple referrals for that to help the cost of the plan (best to start as soon as you can because it probably be a long time before someone actually uses your referral)
And as you already know you can private message any of us if you need help as we would be more then happy to help out.
Welcome to the PM family
04-27-2020 10:57 PM
Public Mobile Review - Can I Really Pay $0 Per Month?
04-27-2020 10:47 PM
@looking4deal my though is if the private messages were unsolicited by you. Then report them. Welcome to PM. Stay safe.
04-27-2020 10:47 PM
the referral code will save you as a new PM customer, one time $10.
Help the first member, who offered you his/her code. They will save $1 on their phone bill every month.
04-27-2020 10:45 PM
@looking4deal Hello yes it is frowned upon here also you are not allowed to promote your referral code here in the community welcome to PM