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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My plan was renewed today, and by 10am I had a text message saying I had used 95% of my data, now this is the 3rd time this has happened, I wouldn't mind if I was out and using it, but I havent left the house yet today, and I'm always connected to the internet at home 


Mayor / Maire

@MrsC53  - if you are receiving a text from 611 about this then check your overview section under My Plan & Addons area.

Do you see your plan data and/or data addons listed? Does it appear to match the 95% usage?




If you only have 250 mb, that can be used up quickly if you have your data setting left on (even in wifi), unless you have all your settings and all apps not to use background data even when in wifi.


OR, you are receiving false texts from PM, which would be annoying since this is the 3rd time. 

Mayor / Maire

Do you leave the data on even though you think you're connected to your wifi? Do you use the options to switch to data when out of wifi range? Had you previously received the 75% text? What plan are you on?

Mayor / Maire

Sounds like an error in that case. Have you reached out to a customer service agent to look into it and get it sorted out? Have you done so in the past when it happened before? That's probably the best avenue in any event. 

Mayor / Maire

Always check your self-serving account first. What your account says?

Your data (and minutes) should be reset up to now. Provide screenshot to confirm...

Did you leave DATA on by accident?

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