06-28-2017 12:26 AM - edited 01-05-2022 02:17 AM
So yeah. My iPhone says my usage is at only 808 KB but when I log into public mobile self serve it says I used 6.1 MB. I've been connected mostly to wifi today since inserting my sim card in and reseting usuage stats today.
The frist few hours in the begining they were matching pretty well (iphone and self serve stats) but all of a sudden I just checked I see it is a huge difference.
What do you guys think is happening. Is my iPhone not recording accurately?
Thanks in adanced.
09-05-2017 09:15 AM
I also have discrepancies between the data counters. But in my case, the amount of data used is higher on public mobile than it is on my data counter.
But I always go with the public mobile number cause that's the amount of data that I really have. Cheers,
09-04-2017 08:25 PM
09-04-2017 08:14 PM
PM's data counter is the one that counts. By any chance does your data counter include wifi usage?
09-04-2017 07:12 PM
09-04-2017 07:11 PM
06-28-2017 09:37 PM
Glad it got/is getting sorted.
not sure about iphone, but andoid only does monthly data tracking which doesnt work well with 90 day plans. mydatamanager allows you to setup 90day plans so you have data usage forcasted for that time not monthly.
06-28-2017 08:45 PM
Yeah it seems to have ironed itself out so far. It is now matching KB for KB between decice and service provider.
I'm going message a mod about getting back my 6 MB of phantom data now. Naw jk.
06-28-2017 04:36 PM - edited 06-28-2017 04:36 PM
Built in data tracking in your phone is accurate enough. But for data amounts that tiny, I'm pretty sure PM's tracking is a bit wonky. Don't worry, it's highly unlikely that PM will be tracking your data at 6+ times the amount you're actually using. 🙂
06-28-2017 08:41 AM
06-28-2017 12:58 AM
As mentionned above give it some time, it should go back to normal. Also what are you using to track the data ? is it the IOS tool or a different app you used from app store. like My data Manager .
06-28-2017 12:46 AM
give it a week. one day of stats is not a good data set. But I do think there might be some phantom data usage on day one.