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Creating Account - Phone number already used

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I cannot create an account because my phone number has already been used, so now I am stuck in a loop


Problem: Cannot create an account


Errors encountered:

1) Error when setting up SIM

2) Email address not working so I can't log in

3) Can't setup a new account because my phone number is already in the system from trying to set up my SIM

4) Now in a loop of set up new account -> phone number used -> forgot password -> email not valid -> setup account


Storytime: I ordered a SIM card and tried setting it up on friday but the session timed out halfway through. It go stuck on processing and then I got an error. Now I can't log in because public mobile does not recognize my email, I can't reset my password because my email doesn't work, and I can't use my phone number because the setup process from friday has saved my number. 


What should I do?


Also, the community account and public mobile's "My account" are not the same account? What? I used the same email for everything, and the community account verified just fine.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I could not register using my number because they flagged my number as "already been used" and wanted me to log in, but my email login did not work because the SIM setup did not work. I finally got far enough in the SIM activation that I could now create an account with my number. Sorry this is a bit confusing, but i kept trying both methods of setting up an account until it worked.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@nrogers Great news! Wellcome to PM. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Alright so I got it to work.


I kept trying to activate the SIM at and eventually I got far enough before it errored that it seems to have worked. My credit card got charged and now i can create account ( without my number been flagged as in use. I got a text from public mobile on the new SIM with the 6 digit confirmation key. Just waiting for calls/text to work and the friend referal to show up on my account. Thanks for the help everyone! 🙂

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@nrogers You said you have phone number, can you use it to talk and sent or recevie text message? If the answer is yes, then try register:

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I tried activating my SIM first. I don't think i made an account when I ordered my SIM card. I have tried activating my SIM twice, and it errored out. Now when I try it says my SIM number is invalid. I assumed this is how you are supposed to create an account. I just tried incognito mode but I can't get passed the invalid SIM part. I didn't have invalid SIM issue before so trying incognito mode won't work anymore, but might have worked earlier.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I sent them a message, thank you.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Or may be you try to creat another account?

Mayor / Maire

@nrogersTry using the Chrome in incognito mode, it's less likely to give random errors.

When you set up your account did you first go to My Account and try to create a new account or did you first activate your SIM card and fill out a form? You should fill out a form to activate your SIM then create a new account using your phone number.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


Please message the mods moderator_team via envelope icon at top right of forum page with your detailed information. THEY ARE BUSY SO IT COULD TAKE UP TO 2 DAYS TO GET A REPLY FROM THEM.

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