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Changing Plans

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Recently (July 13, 2024), I changed my subscription from $25/mo to $19/mo. Since we are going to a cruise next month, I am thinking of changing it again to $34/mo plan with 50GB within US and Canada instead of buying an add-on of US data roaming for $30.  And then after the cruise will change it back to $19/mo plan. Is this possible? Thanks


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


Two accounts means two different SIM/eSIM

It’s based on your phone, iPhone 12 supports two numbers one eSIM and one SIM, there are some Chinese phones that has two SIM slots.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Mateng wrote:

Can I have 2 accounts or 2 sims in the same phone?

Depends on the phone.

You can't have 2 SIM cards to the same account and phone number.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Mateng wrote:

Is this confirmed that I can’t  downgrade?

Very likely, unfortunately.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Can I have 2 accounts or 2 sims in the same phone?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Is this confirmed that I can’t  downgrade?

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


Keep your current plan $19, as there is possibility that once you upgrade, you will not be able to downgrade.

Another option, Instead of buying US roaming 3GB for $30, sign in a new account with $$34 plan free eSIM, and use it in US, cancel it when you come back

@BKNS27 wrote:


Login into your account on the PM app or the website and check what plans you have to switch back to. The $19 plan could be a promo for new activations but double check under Subscription tab>Manage Subscription>Change Subscription and see what plans you are eligible for.

If it is there, you are go to go but remember…if you switch your plan NOW. You will be paying for the old plan plus the new plan.

If you switch on your Next Renewal Date. You will be fine once your old plan expires and new plan starts.

The plans that are available appears to be based on the current plan, so you don't really get a chance to see what happens when switching to a higher priced plan until after the switch has taken place.  

Mayor / Maire


Login into your account on the PM app or the website and check what plans you have to switch back to. The $19 plan could be a promo for new activations but double check under Subscription tab>Manage Subscription>Change Subscription and see what plans you are eligible for.

If it is there, you are go to go but remember…if you switch your plan NOW. You will be paying for the old plan plus the new plan.

If you switch on your Next Renewal Date. You will be fine once your old plan expires and new plan starts.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Be careful ---- unless things change in the future, at this time you will not be able to drop back to a less expensive plan.


@Mateng , Public Mobile appears to have embarked on a new "targeted marketing scheme" for customers.  I would say that if you do renew to the $34 plan, you will not be able to get the $19 plan again.  I have an account with the $34 CAN-US plan.  When I look at the available plan selection for that account, I don't see the cheaper $19 or $15 plans available anymore.  If you wish to remain on the $19 plan for the long term, you will be better off buying roaming add-ons.  This is the situation now, market conditions do change with time and so things might be very different later in the year.  

Mayor / Maire

If you change plan NOW you will be immediately charged for full plan price.
See if that works for you as maybe add-ons will be cheaper.
If your trip is after your next renewal you can schedule plan change and then will pay only whatever new plan cost.

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