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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hello . what will change on my account if i switch from 3G to 4G.?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The data is way faster you will notice a real big difference in download speeds and the plans seem better on 4 G for the value of them they are a bit more then 3 G plans but worth it 

Mayor / Maire

Others have presumed you mean switch plans from a current 3G offering to a newer 4G offering.   That is likely what you're asking @Heidy 


However, might you also be asking what would happen if you switch your device network settings from 3G to 4G/LTE?   If that's what you meant, you might have slightly better performing data in certain situations/locations on the 4G/LTE setting vs the 3G setting.   

Mayor / Maire

@Heidy   Make sure you select Change at Next Renewal option as PM doesn't prorate or refund for unused days left in your current cycle and your rewards will also not get applied to immediate plan changes but will be available for the following renewal.

Mayor / Maire

@Heidy  Just the speed of you data , you will keep your rewards that stays same ..but also note it can take up to 48 hours for you to notice difference in speed form going to 4G from 3G

Mayor / Maire

@Heidy  - you will see the new plan in your My Account, ensure you click the refresh button to see most up to date details:



As for speeds, changing from 3G to 4G can take up to 48 hours to take effect on your account/service.


EDIT, if you were wondering about Rewards/Points changes, nothing will change in this regard, as the Rewards/Points are connected to your account, not the plan you are on.


@Heidy nothing will change other than thr plan charge, as well as speed 🙂


it won't affect your current rewards


HOWEVER  , if you activated with a bonus data, like those 2GB for so many months ( which shows up under My Promotionon your My Account), that activation bonus will be gone

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