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Change Method of Payment (Creditcard > DebitVISA)

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I'm currently doing Auto-pay with my creditcard.  How do I change my method of payment in the website (from one creditcard to another DebitVISA)?  Your webpage has the option to remove the Autopay, I tried, and I registered again, but my old creditcard info is still there and can't be removed.


Mayor / Maire

If you didn’t register a card at activation, you can do so by signing in to Self-Serve. Once signed in, click on the ‘Payment’ tab, then scroll to the bottom of the page and select ‘Register my Credit or Visa Debit Card’. Accepted credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) and Visa Debit cards that have been issued by Canadian or American financial institutions and are associated with addresses in Canada or the U.S. If you are using a payment card, leave the apartment/suite number in the payment information section blank.


@louisac12 , in the payment page, there is a tiny link on the lower left to manage your payment.  I suggest deleting the old card and then adding the new card.  Don't forget to enable auto payment again at the end.  

Mayor / Maire

@louisac12 wrote:

I'm currently doing Auto-pay with my creditcard.  How do I change my method of payment in the website (from one creditcard to another DebitVISA)?  Your webpage has the option to remove the Autopay, I tried, and I registered again, but my old creditcard info is still there and can't be removed.

Yes, you can "Manage My Card" Under the "Make a Payment" section on your self serve account.

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