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Can't Recover Forgotten Password (Website Bug I Think?)

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


I am trying to recover a forgotten password to an account of mine. I followed the steps...
I put my email in:
I answered the security question correctly: 


And then... An error!



This prevents me from recovering my password and logging in.

I'm not sure what to do, so I'm posting this for help. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


Mayor / Maire

Look like a browser issue.


try all these and one of them will work:


1. use a different browser like Edge, Chrome or Firefox


2. Use Incognito mod on Chrome or InPrivate mode on Edge


3. Clear cache and restart the browser


4. Try on a different machine or phone.


Not applicable


i suggest you close all Browser and do clear cache and cookies for any Browser,

and try it for a different Browser and open incognito mode,

how to open Browser incognito mode visit Here link,

how to clear cache and cookies and History visit Here link,

and use a Browser from your computer,is better

use Browser microsoft edge or chrome latest version
and just make sure your Browser is up to date update
sometime is the Browser is not update is give a issue.

how to update your Browser visit Here link, 

and Restart your computer, is will help a lot,


and if you use a home internet please do one thing take your power internet off for about

a 1 minute and put it back on,to refreshing your network,


or Explain your issue to Contact Customer Support Agent by  ,
they can solve your issue, they are nice Service Team they will help you 100%.


Here’s How To Contact Customer Support Agent by CS_Agent,

  • you can send a private message to Customer Support Agent by CS_Agent, by Click Here link,
  • You’ll need to be logged in to your Community account for the link to work.


  • please include in your message,
  • your account number, 
  • your phone number,
  • your account 4 digit pin,
  • your Email address,


  • Customer Support Agent by CS_Agent, will Response to your inbox by private message 
    Check your private message inbox (click on the envelope top right of your screen)

         Good Luck....

Mayor / Maire


Use a browser (e.g. Chrome) in Incognito mode to log in.

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