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Can't Port: Alternate Phone Number Regex

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
Can't Port: Alternate Phone Number Regex

I can't port my number over. When it asks for an alternate phone number to call in case something goes wrong. I get the error: 


Alternate Phone Number Regex

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi plz send me my phone account number ? My email

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you for helping me!

I tried a different computer. 

Then it worked. I do not know why. 

Anyway, now I completed the process. Thank you for help!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire
@hank70 wrote:
When it asks for an alternate phone number to call in case something goes wrong. I get the error: 


Alternate Phone Number Regex

What did you enter for the Alternate Phone Number?  Did it conform to a 10-digit number (###-###-#### or ##########)?  RegEx (Regular Expressions) refers to a parsing tool/format for converting/standardizing data -- a programmer would use it to convert a user-entered phone number into a format it wants.  In the event of an error, the developer should catch this and handle it appropriately, but it looks like this was a use case that wasn't handled, hence throwing the error.  Not very user-friendly, but also probably was never intended to be seen by an end-user!  In other words, the developers/testers of the activation site let this bug slip...

Mayor / Maire

You can try a different browser/clearing your cache/using incognito mode... If nothing works, then contact the mods about your problem!

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