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Can someone reply to this post when esim transfer is available for exisiting customer?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Mayor / Maire

Sorry @hTideGnow , you are wrong. My beef was with making claims and assertions and promises and providing false hopes with nothing to back it up. Then J_PM stated that they are working on it. Ok fine. Claims and assertions of timing were still given which was still wrong.
If, all along, users would say and conclude and deduce that surely this must happen then that's fine too. But they need to say that. But users claimed and asserted out of nothing. You might have noticed that one user in particular DID change their specific wording on this. Seems they bark and complain when called out but then change things anyway. But again I guess this will get removed.

I will brazenly and egotistically state here that I am rarely wrong. And when I am I humbly and thankfully change it. Not everybody has the same response to being called out.

It's about language and words and specific proper use of it. Using language and words incorrectly leads people down wrong paths that could waste their time or cost them money. That is of no help to anyone. If one is ESL then one needs to be even more cognizant of this and accept that specific words and use of language matter.

@softech wrote:

HI @hTideGnow 

your observation, not prediction,  was correct, eSIM is here for everyone.. the disbeliver has to belive!!

thanks @softech 

I love it, disbeliver

honest, this was not a prediction but an observation to the market and PM.  

it is normal no carrier would stop the eSIM roll out to only new user and not existing.  I think they just hit a road block and hence decided to let the new activation go with it first

Sorry @dust2dust ,  you were wrong

HI @hTideGnow 

your observation, not prediction,  was correct, eSIM is here for everyone.. the disbeliver has to belive!!

@hTideGnow- Well this news from iphoneincanada suggests that Telus might distinguish Telus and Koodo from Public. As they do with other features like wifi calling. Note the little update of July 6th at the end.

Hi @dust2dust not a prediction but an observation.

If you follow those telecom news and you will know. There is a reason why PM suddenly brought in eSIm to new activation 


@hTideGnow- I think I'm fine with a prediction (not observation, observation of what?). That's different from providing false hope with nothing to back it up. But giving a prediction still needs to be clear that it's a prediction. Just wording in the end, I guess. Somehow the saying it will happen triggers me the wrong way.

@Jakezxcxz- Would anyone keep a list of questions left for a future answer to come back to that question in the future to say here it is? I guess we'll see.

hi @hairbag1 

me no fan of this either.  But more new phones will be esim oy soon.  Device manufacturers pushing this. And easy $5 for esi switching for carriers, so carriers help to push too

Mayor / Maire


Your guess is good as mine. I normally use the physical SIM for my current carrier and use eSIM when I am travelling using a local eSIM so I don’t have to take out my tiny nano SIM everytime.

Knock on wood I haven’t lost a SIM yet but my friend put in the SIM the wrong way in the SIM tray and damaged the SIM…he has poor sight issues. 

Mayor / Maire

Valid question @hairbag1 . I like my physical sim, personally.


"It can be difficult to switch devices in case of emergencies. For instance, what if your phone stops working suddenly? With a physical sim, you can easily take it out and insert it into another phone. You can't do that with an eSIM."

"eSIMs have a larger storage capacity, allowing them to store more user data. With the physical SIM card, you need to manually insert the card into your device to begin the activation. On the other hand, the activation process of eSIM is entirely software-based, and it is done remotely by the mobile network operator."

But, is the above last statement worth it?

I see this question a coupla times now. What the heck is the fascination with esim ?

Mayor / Maire

@Jakezxcxz - we are all customers and members like you here. Many more posts will be posted after yours in a short period of time, so not likely in time to answer your question when it is front and center.

You will need to come back and ask or search for the answers in the GET HELP articles or Community to find out.

Mayor / Maire

hi @Jakezxcxz 

no one in thr Community can tell for sure 

But the New  iPhone is almost certain to be eSIm only in Canada.  So i agree with couple members observations, it will be here soon.  Just fill the Community closely for latest news

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