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Can I renew the same plan in the middle of the cycle for more data?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi there,


I ran out of data in the middle of my plan. It seems like I can "change" to the same existing plan. Will this renew my data after paying for a new start date?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

You will need to contact a moderator. Your best bet would probably be to buy some extra data if this is not a problem you have too often. If you consistently run out of data you may want to consider another plan with more data 

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@lockehart wrote:

Hi there,


I ran out of data in the middle of my plan. It seems like I can "change" to the same existing plan. Will this renew my data after paying for a new start date?

Options to get more data:
1. If your current data limit does not meet your 30 days' need, you may change a plan with more data. You can do the plan change from self-serve. You get your data back immediately with plan change by yourself.
2. If you want to renew the same plan early, you need to create a moderator support ticket using the ? button at the bottom right corner. Moderator wait time is couple hours to 2 days. If your next renewal date is up to 2 days away, you may just on data diet for a few days until after renewal.
3. You can buy data add-ons $15 1GB data or $5 200MB data. Expensive option


Please note that there is no refund of the unused days of your current cycle if you renew plan early or change plan immediately.

Mayor / Maire

@lockehart Your other options are 


Buy a data add-on which is $15 for one gig. Two steps. 1- add money to account 2 - buy the add-on.


Or change your plan to one with more data.


Both options you can do by yourself however as mentioned in my first post. To renew the exact same early only moderators can do that.

Mayor / Maire

@lockehart To renew your plan early you need to contact a moderator to have them do it for you. You can contact the mods one of 2 ways. Click the question mark bottom right of the browser as shown in the picture and open a ticket through the automated ticketing system;




or you can contact them through direct messaging at the following link (note this way may take longer for a response);


In either case you should receive a reply within 48 hours though typically they are much faster. Watch the envelope icon top right for a reply.

Mayor / Maire

To renew your plan early. Two steps.


1- add money to your account to cover your plan


2- only moderators can renew exact plan early so contact them.




Or via private message at link below


You data will be available again once renewed.


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