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Broken account activation

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am unable to activate a new account through the web portal due the name on card field for the payment system is missing - according to mastercard customer support  this is causing the payment request to be sent to mastercard incorrectly and the card to be declined. Does anyone know a workaround for this? I don't want to use Public Mobile cards for payment - I want to use my cc.


Always 🙄

You can buy through the app,  can take 3 weeks to receive though. Or there is the esim option if your phone takes.


Or Amazon quicker. Cheaper. They have one for $4.99

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Now after submitting a support ticket (and getting a completely unhelpful reply) now it magically works. Now I just need to work out how to add a new SIM 😞 What a pain in the @$$ this is.

I don't know if that is indeed correct that name must match. Unless that is new, which is highly unlikely. 

Double check that the expiry date and ccv is correct.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

That is really stupid and not helpful at all.

Mayor / Maire


You will need to complete the activation on the PM app on your phone and not on the web portal.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

The postal code does match but the card is declined. Customer support for my card indicates that the request sent by the merchant is incorrect and that is the reason. I don't want to use the stupid app - I have requested pm support to delete the account as if their web system won't work then I will go somewhere else.

Mayor / Maire

@Tails1  you have downloaded the public mobile app and act activating the account that way following the steps?

Name on account does not matter for Public Mobile. They do not verify and decline customers for that.

You just have to make sure that the postal code you are providing here, matches the one on your cc.

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