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Bonus to data add-on

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

With the extra gig bonus that is supposed to be applied to accounts (assuming you qualify for the bonus) do you think it will be of much good to you or do you not use all the data you currently have available to.your account so no.its of no importance to you?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have used my 8G twice now and got cut off. I am happy about this extra G!

Being a technology neophyte I only learned about mobile hotspot a month ago. At the time I was a freedom customer and my boyfriend a slave to the fido overlord. I had an unlimited data plan that I would be hard pressed to use a 1/4 of a gb. The boyfriend a data whore constantly topping up his 4gb plan and getting bills over $100. Unfortunately the overages were happening when we were camping or out of the city. He would have service but not enough data and I would have no service unless I turned on roaming as freedom only has service in a select number of cities. The switch to pm gave me country wide service and the boyfriend twice as much data for half the price. Now even if he blows thru all his data before his month is up he can hotspot off my data. Thank you Public Mobile

@CMOADMIN wrote:

With the extra gig bonus that is supposed to be applied to accounts (assuming you qualify for the bonus) do you think it will be of much good to you or do you not use all the data you currently have available to.your account so no.its of no importance to you?

If you never use up the data that you have, this add-on will do nothing for you.  I've never ran out of plan data, save for one time I purposely used on all data on the last day to see how the renewal would be handled and when data would start working again. It's not costing us anything, so I would say that you can keep the data just in case you do run out one day.

I guess so!


But there may come a time you can reduce your plan for a month and it will be there for you.


If you have another phone in the house you could reduce their plan and supplement their data with a hotspot on your data heavy phone. To use more of the 8gb than relates to the 1 tho.


You'll be hard pressed to use that up.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I have the 8GB Canada US plan and only use max 2GB. I don't need 8GB but for as much as I travel to US to visit family it's much cheaper then roaming add on.  The 1GB add on will last me a while 

Mayor / Maire

Currently, I use 3/4 of my data because I'm usually on wifi. I also have a 5gb bonus I have never touched. 


I probably won't need it, but it's sure nice to know it's there. Life happens, and you never know when you'll need it.


Bring on the free 1Gb I say!

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