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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Why does my account show "Plan Expired" the day before the autopayment will occur?


Honest, it should say Plan Expiring.  I think it is just lazy to make one more category. 


I think PM starts the renew process the day before by flagging all the accounts expiring the following day to "Plan Expired" first.. not sure why they need to start that early.  From what we understand the process, going through different steps, would not finish until at least 6am.

Mayor / Maire

That's one of the peculiar ways of how Public Mobile works.

I'm not quite sure if it's done on purpose to scare you into making sure payments are up to date or just the laziness (or incompetence) of the programmers to fix the codes.


@ve7rhf wrote:

Why does my account show "Plan Expired" the day before the autopayment will occur?

Your plan has not really expired if the service still works. This message is shown to all customers (in error) shortly before your renewal occurs.

Mayor / Maire

@ve7rhf wrote:

Why does my account show "Plan Expired" the day before the autopayment will occur?

Ignore the message. This is the normal messaging during renewal. Nothing to worry about.

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