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Autopay not working - account suspended/plan expired?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen



I have set up Autopay using my American Express card, and the charge date was supposed to be today (July 21). However, it does not seem to be working - and upon logging in to check it is saying that my account is suspended and plan expired. I checked my Amex account and indeed no charge has come through.



Could anyone advise if this means I will need to do the manual payment each month? Also, on the same screen above, my amount due is listed as $9. However, I do have Autopay reward ($2) on the account as well - and the reward screen indicates that I should only be paying $7 this month instead of $9. 




As a new customer to PM, I would really appreciate any advice here on how to proceed and ensure uninterrupted mobile access. Should I go ahead with a manual payment now? Or wait till tomorrow etc?


Thank you very much in advance!



edited by computergeek541: account screenshot removed


@selling_things just contact moderators to fix your card issues and don't rely on auto-pay

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Don't bother waiting, it won't go through and you will miss any texts sent to you today. When this happened on my line July 14, I waited thinking it would correct as this is what I was told by "the community" but it didn't. So when this happened again today on my brother's phone which I have also setup on auto pay, I corrected immediately by using vouchers. Public Mobile is still having issues because it won't let me apply auto pay, even when I remove card and try to add new card. 

@selling_things @henrytn . 


credit to LurganIeUk


For your future use and thought. Since we all depend on our mobile devices we need to have reliable service so here is a method to insure yourself to avoid the insufficient funds situation.


Manually pay 30 days ahead. Leave auto pay in place (just in case) as that alone gives you $2 off and if it is NOT used you will still get the $2 off. Then when you receive your text that your account has been paid, that then becomes your reminder to prepay again. Depending on the accumulation of any earned (vs expected) credits you may occasionally downward adjust the amount you prepay. Do a screen print of your text and treat it like a bill to pay.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Also wanted to add that even after waiting a week I wasn't able to reapply my auto pay, keep getting "transaction denied" but spoke with credit card and its definitely not my bank issue. Public mobile seems to be having issues with auto pay, and credit card payments. Tried different cards on different days and different devices. Nothing worked except buying voucher, top up cards.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Triguy should I wait till tomorrow to see if PM charges my Amex automatically? Or should I just go ahead and do a manual payment now? Of course I'd like for my autopayment to work properly.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I had the same problem, auto pay not working and it won't let you make one time payment or sign up again for auto pay. The only thing that worked was purchasing top up card and applying it to account. 

Is public mobile suspending their 25$ plan? because even when I went to buy the $25 top up card it didn't work/scan so bought $20 and $5 card to keep same plan but losing autopay reward.

Anyway, this post doesn't solve your auto pay issue but atleast you know this same thing happened to me on two separate phones/numbers.

Mayor / Maire

You may not receive a text about payment until it has actually been paid.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@RossN I just tried to call someone else, and it doesn't work sigh. Seems like service interrupted.

Coincidentally my plan renewed today too and I got my 611 payments thankyou message. You may reactivate a suspended account online or by calling 611.
Via your account online
1. If you have already registered, or will first register, a credit card, go to step 2. OR deposit a voucher for at least your plan cost and go to step 3.
2. Go to the payment tab, select single payment and  amount due.
3. Select the reactivate account button.
4. Restart your phone.
or Using 611 to make your payment: ( you need your 4 digit pin to buy an add on)
1. press 1 to make payment
2. press 2 credit card ( or 1 voucher)
3. press 1 amount due.
4. Restart your phone.


If this fails contact the moderators and ask them to apply payment and reactivate your service for you.  There are 2 ways to contact the Moderator Team:

  • Faster response- Get help with your account the easy way by starting a conversation with our virtual assistant, SIMon. It’ll take you to relevant help articles, or if it’s something more urgent, it can help you submit a ticket to the Moderator Team. Click here to get started.
  • Slower- Alternatively, you can send a private message to the Moderators by clicking here. You’ll need to be logged in to your Community account for the link to work.

Once connected to Simon, you will be asked to log in again with your community user name and password.  Please do, this allows you to continue and send your message.
- Check your private message sent box (click on the envelope top right of your screen) to make sure the message was sent.

- Keep an eye on the envelope top right of your screen.  The mods answer will show up there.  When it does, you will be asked to verify your self service account, with your password and login. Doing so allows the process to continue. Stay safe. 


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

When I set up the account last month I used my Visa credit card to set up the Autopay. I received my Amex during the month so went into Self-Serve to update the card information (which was accepted by the system). I would like to keep Amex as my preferred payment method, but not sure how to proceed in this case?

@henrytn hello is your phone working? if so then this is the normal process it goes through every cycle 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hmm, it is now 12:48pm EDT and I have yet to receive any thank you message from PM, does it mean it is not working then? Thanks!

Mayor / Maire

@henrytn hi is it possible you recieved an updated cc if so you need to update in your self serve do you have another cc that you can try?

Mayor / Maire

@henrytn The normal PM renewal process is expired, then suspended, payment comes out at 2am est (on the self service account date) then the plan resets for the next 30 day cycle at 6am est. Once your phone is working properly ignore the mesage, leave your account alone. Just check for you 611 payment thankyou text message around 12.03pm est. tomorrow ( today for you)..
Renewal process screenshots

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