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Apparent confirmation - no More the Merrier

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

The iPhone in Canada site says PM has confirmed there will be no bonuses this year. 

Article Link 


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@dwh1 wrote:

The iPhone in Canada site says PM has confirmed there will be no bonuses this year. 

Because iPhone in Canada somehow knows things Public Mobile has never said?

Well, @Grinch if it warms your heart to do so, I'll allow you to deliver a bottle of rye to my front door. I'll have the glasses ready when you get here. Would you prefer 2 or 3 ice cubes? 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I guess it makes sense to have the more competitive  plans at  Christmas to gain more customers. I see everyone seems to be getting new and renewed plans in Nov and Dec. Makes you wonder.....what % of business to the carriers do in Nov/Dec ... 70%?? The Christmas spirit give aways where much appreciated while they lasted. It's an old Canadian tradition to appreciate any one and every one at Christmas. I can remember way way back when I was a receiver and the main trucking company delivered a bottle of rye to my home address. Wow, that was so uplifting, that some one appreciated you. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

No more Merrier and plans existing customers can’t get. That’s the future of Public Mobile unfortunately.

Mayor / Maire

Hi @dwh1 

It truly saddens me that Public Mobile hasn't continued the tradition of giving to it's loyal customers. Granted we still have the Legacy Rewards program they haven't forced it from us so that I can be greatful for. However, this isn't the end of the world. The sun will come up tomorrow. 🙂

@saturna For me it says nothing about exclusive offer. It just says recommended. I have the $25 5GB offer. So $24 4GB at 4G isn't really that big of a difference.



Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@hTideGnow wrote:

.. but the good news:

company said customers can also find “exclusive offers” within their accounts.

Except I don't see deals there yet

I have a $39 / 50GB 4G showing up in the "change subscription" tab, with the "exclusive offer" tag. Right beside " $40 / 60GB 5G (unlimited throttled after limit " with the "boxing week offer" tag....

TBH I'd rather have them make the $24 / 4GB available for existing customers... and the $34 /40GB for the ones that missed the last round?

.. but the good news:

company said customers can also find “exclusive offers” within their accounts.

Except I don't see deals there yet

Mayor / Maire

Sad but thanks for confirming @dwh1 

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