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Alternate Phone number.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Trying to active for a friend of mine a PM account and i get stuck at "Alternate Phone Number"

What's does it mean ? The phone number which he port or any random numbers ?

And also Authorization Name : ? The owner name or what's the point ?


@sabbie that works too! I think they should remove that field since it's not necessary. I don't think anyone has ever got a call at their alternate number!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@sabbie so it let you proceed  further ? 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I just left mine blank.



Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@daredogg ahahaha :))) 

No problem @Ionut or should I say Borat?! haha 😉

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Oh i get it. Could be my phone number in case the port failed. 

Thanks a lot @daredogg

Mayor / Maire

Alternate phone number can be any number you can be reached at (supposedly if there's a problem with your port). It's not associated with your previous account.


Authorized name needs to be exactly as it is with the previous carrier. Check the last invoice to double check if there's any middle initials, etc.  If it doesn't match up it could cause your port to fail.


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