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Advertisements of PM ?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle



I was just wondering if PM has some sort of non-compete clause with Telus ?


Can't PM at least adopt some basic advertising like in local papers, flyers etc to promote its awesome service and plans ?


Or does the contract with Telus prevent it from doing so ?


What I have realized is people really do not know about PM and hence don't even consider it as an option while looking for mobile service providers.


I have just seen the twitter account of PM tweeting regularly but without any specific details about the plans.


Not sure if this has been discussed before.




Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
@shrimpdude Seems like you nailed it, keep costs as low as possible.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@stonechucker Yes i have seen their tweets, they do tweet pretty regularly. But as you said they do not directly promote PM. It's more about personal finances. Good to hear you got 3 ppl to shift to PM. I also try and promote them in my circle of friends.


@shrimpdude you nailed it. yes, they are targeting customers which are tech savvy and understand the concept of self-serve account, are active in the community and promote PM in their social circles. I loved how you mentioned ' if you are looking for 'em, you will find 'em'. Applies pretty much to everything in life these days.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

As a low-margin service, they're keeping their costs down and relying heavily on word-of-mouth, which is probably why they have the best referral bonuses around. Also, they seem to be catering to the frugal, tech-savvy customer that can deal with Internet-based support.


The kind of consumer that they'd attract with expensive TV/print ads is probably not one they can realistically take care of with over-the-phone support, etc. It would drive up margins and costs and kind of defeat the purpose of them existing alongside Koodo and Telus.


Basically - if you're looking for 'em, you'll find 'em.

I'm seeing PublicMobile on social media sites.  Twitter is pretty active (Shazia was posting and responding one evening, sent me a SIM card), they have a Facebook page, which also gets some ads.


I've been retweeting and sharing, and have so far one friend refered, a collegue also refered, but he activated before I joined (I was really talking it up), and I've got a third who is just about to activate.


The ads are a bit cartoonish, and not really selling the service, but rather about doing things different, and suggesting a finance friendly environment.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

True..even i stumbled upon PM through reddit page of wind mobile.


if I had not visited that particular post on the reddit page, i would be oblivious to PM.


yes, I hope they do have a strategy and step up on the gas pedal to advertise more.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

PM is owned by Telus so I doubt it is a "no compete clause", it's probably more a case of whatever PM wants to do needs to be approved by Telus as it needs to fit in with the overall strategy of the 3 brands (Telus/Koodo/PM). 


Agreed that PM's media presence is very light, mostly word of mouth plus the occasional person that just stumbles across them (like me 🙂 ). It seems to make sense for PM to raise their visibility, but we don't we really don't have enough insight into thier strategy and need to trust that they do.

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