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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

4 hours after activating my SIM and 2.5 after cancelling my previous provider I still have no service.  What needs to happen?


Looks like OP and his PHONE number are gone now.



Yes, that could be a mess with OPs old phone number gone.




.. the part about cancelling previous provider sounds scary.. I hope either OP does not need porting or he meant the number was ported and service cancelled from that..


Do you have no services at all? If so you need to contact customer support. Click on the chat bubble at the bottom right corner of your screen and type "sim card not provisioned upon activation" and "human" and follow the prompts to submit your ticket via Simple--Simon.


Keep an eye on the envelope icon at the top right corner of your screen next to your avatar for a little number to pop up indicating a reply from a CSA. Responding promptly will speed up service times. Expect a reply in 1 to 2 hours at most.

Mayor / Maire


It sounds like your are porting your old number to PM.

Did you leave the old SIM in the phone and wait for a SMS text from them? Once you receive the text, reply with YES to confirm you are porting over to PM. There will be a 90 minute window for you to reply. If you replied over 90 minutes or didn’t reply to the text.

You will need to contact a PM CS Agent by clicking on the SIMon chat button and type in Create a Ticket then follow the prompts to restart the porting process.



Did you activate, request to port your number, reply YES to the PAT (porting authorization text) and then your old provider cancelled your account? Or did you do as above?

@Fred541 wrote:

4 hours after activating my SIM and 2.5 after cancelling my previous provider I still have no service.  What needs to happen?

Did you ask to have the number ported from your previous providing to Public Mobile.  If so, you should never contact the old carrier to cancel (if that's what happened).  First of all, in that situation, you would need to contact your old carrier to reactivate your old carrier's service.  Then you would likely need to contact Public Mobile to fix a likely account setup issue.  That can be done by opening a ticket with a CSA.  (open this link: ),  After your Public Mobile service starts working, then ask the CSA to retry the porting request.



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