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Activating Sim Email Issue

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

I just tried to activate my sim and it says "The Self Serve username you have entered is not available. Please try again with a different email address". Please help me!





Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@totalUser wrote:

Did it go through, can we officially congratulate you?

🙂 🙂 🙂

Thanks for reminding me, I'll go give it a shot. Pls work Smiley Embarassed

Did it go through, can we officially congratulate you?

🙂 🙂 🙂

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

It looks like it will work, however I went back to double check my email and now I have to 50 minutes to try again. I'll let you guys know if it works.Smiley Frustrated

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@GR wrote:

@Ed404  if you end up using an alias then just go in your community account settings and change your email to the sane one as your phone and the rewards will go to the phone account

Thanks, I'll try it later if the moderator can't solve my issue speaking to them now.

Mayor / Maire

@Ed404  if you end up using an alias then just go in your community account settings and change your email to the same one as your phone and the rewards will go to the phone account

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Dunkman wrote:


Each plan and phone number needs own different email address.  


Here is one link to make an alias with gmail:

I've never had a plan with Public Mobile ever! I'll try the alias thing if I don't get any back from the moderators tonight.





Each plan and phone number needs own different email address.  


Here is one link to make an alias with gmail:

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@totalUser wrote:

If it was used inn the past and account expired it may be unusable with pm anymore

I also heard it can happen if it is currently used with prepaid koodo

Just try another email address

I've never had an account it wouldn't even let me a month ago. My email isn't part of any account, but it thinks it is. My email is not used with any other provider. What happens to my community rewards then if I use another email? This system isn't perfect I don't want to lose rewards.

Hi @Ed404 

Can you maybe change community email instead? You can also notify moderators afterwards to make sure they are linked properly

If it was used inn the past and account expired it may be unusable with pm anymore

I also heard it can happen if it is currently used with prepaid koodo

Just try another email address

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Dunkman wrote:


That usually means that somebody has used that email address before to set up an account with Public mobile. 


Need to choose a different email address or certain email address like gmail can use alias email addresses.  

I don't know how to use alias email addresses, I don't really want to either. I tried to make an account a month ago, but my phone number was already in use, maybe it still added my email to their system. I want to receive my community rewards which is associated with the email I just tried using.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@totalUser wrote:

What happens if you try to reset password using the same email adress

Tried that I got this "Sorry, we’re unable to verify your email address."



That usually means that somebody has used that email address before to set up an account with Public mobile. 


Need to choose a different email address or certain email address like gmail can use alias email addresses.  

Mayor / Maire

What happens if you try to reset password using the same email adress

Did you use it for another account? Each number o needs separate email address

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