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Account Charged 4 times - no account

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

While trying to set up my credit card was charged 4 times, account does not exist. Where do I get help and potentially my money back. It kept saying credit card was declined.


Hi @Madog689 


Indeed it's possible those charges are simply unposted (authorized but not final) on your credit card and it's hopeful they will drop off.


I would recommend you do inform the Moderators, and if the charges eventually post to your credit card and the moderators do not reverse the charges, then dispute them with your credit card company.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
These charges might show up as temporary on your credit card account, until verified by your credit card company.

As an alternative, you might contact your credit card company to file a dispute for these charges.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Sounds like a problem for a moderator. Please use the chat button in the power right corner or PM a moderator.  The forum is just users like yourself and we cant help with billing.

Mayor / Maire



Contact mods they work for PM.




Or private message them at link below.

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