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Accidental double payment

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi. I accidentally added a double payment to my account. Is their a way you can send $20.00 to a different account number? 


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Best to leave the funds where they are as another payment will have to be made anyway in 30 days but if you absolutely need to move funds, the moderators only can do this. Click ? to contact a moderator, as other members have mentioned.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@Rachel1980 wrote:

Hi. I accidentally added a double payment to my account. Is their a way you can send $20.00 to a different account number? 

If the extra payment is on your account as available fund, you can contact moderator to move fund to another account owned by you. Expect moderator to verify that you are the owner of both accounts.


Create a moderator support ticket for help using the ? button at the right side bottom corner of this page.

1. Tell SIMon what is the issue
2. Ask for "moderator"
3. SIMon will give your 2 choices. Click on the "Account-specific question"
4. Then, click on "No, I want a human"
5. Click "Submit a ticket"
6. Follow instruction to create support ticket.
Good luck.

Mayor / Maire

@Rachel1980 wrote:

Hi. I accidentally added a double payment to my account. Is their a way you can send $20.00 to a different account number? 

@Rachel1980 Just simply leave it on your account. If you still want refund, which is a long process, contact moderators: click the "?" in lower right side of the page, type "contact moderator", and follow directions, OR send a message:

Mayor / Maire

@Rachel1980 it takes approximately 30 day to process a refund.  A cycle .

@Rachel1980 wrote:

Hi. I accidentally added a double payment to my account. Is their a way you can send $20.00 to a different account number? 


Mayor / Maire

@Rachel1980 wrote:

Hi. I accidentally added a double payment to my account. Is their a way you can send $20.00 to a different account number? 

@Rachel1980  The only way that can be done  if possible would be through PM Moderator Team intervention. To submit a ticket to the Moderator Team, please start a conversation with the Public's virtual assistant, SIMon by clicking the icon below:




If you are still having problems contacting Public Mobile then click here. The link  sends you to the private message function and adds the moderator team as recipient for a private message. You just have to enter a title and text in the body of the message describing the problem and post. The message will be received by the moderator team and they will respond to it. You will receive the response in your private message inbox.

Please note that account verification may be required when contacting the Moderator Team 

Mayor / Maire

@Rachel1980  You could just leave it in your account, to pay for the next renewal, but if you want to attempt what you've asked for, you'll need to contact a Moderator.


To contact a Moderator, click on the question mark icon in the bottom, right corner of the screen, and follow the prompts.

1.) Click on Chat with SIMon, and on the line, "Ask me something", type "moderator"

2.) Click on "account specific question", and then click on "no, I want a human"

3.) When you see an answer, "submit a ticket Click me!", do the obvious.

Once you've submitted a ticket, occasionally check on your private message envelope icon, near the top of the screen, and when there's a number showing, you've received a reply.

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