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Ability to delete/cancel sent mail?

Mayor / Maire

I understand there would be some technical issues around deleting mail already sent but it would be beneficial if there was someway to delete/cancel/nullify a mail sent, in particular to the Mods. ie- I send a message looking for a solution and for whatever reason I resolve the issue prior to the Mods contacting me. In this situation it would be advantageous to be able to inform the mods to not bother with the request. Sending another mail would be useless as it would be farther down the list and too late by the time they got to it.



What I thought would be handy is a link in your sent mailbox named (Resolved)  that would automaticly tag that mail in their inbox with resolved.

@mimmo I like that. Use the same heading and in brackets put (RESOLVED). Caps helps it stand out!

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@krazykiwi I would just send another message to the mods with same subject as your first and say issue has been resolved.


My understanding is they try and go through all the messages before replying.


@Luddite Yes that would be very effective. Are we able to draw a link between the post with the solution and the sent mail? Some way of tagging maybe so that when they read the solution it connects them to the mail that was sent?


@krazykiwi You may delete mail from your Sent folder but not from recipient's IN box. To assist the moderators add the solution you uncovered in a post to the original thread then mark it as the Solution. That will alert them.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

@austinhuang Yeah, i can imagine the heap of technical issues with deleting a sent mail however if I recall correctly (without dating myself) the original outlook use to have the capability.

I assumed that the delete was local only too. 

My intention is to lessen the load on the moderators which is why I am not a fan of sending another mail plus unless it was immediately afterwards chances are they will have processed the first before they even read the next one hence making the second one pointless.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@krazykiwi wrote:

I understand there would be some technical issues around deleting mail already sent but it would be beneficial if there was someway to delete/cancel/nullify a mail sent, in particular to the Mods. ie- I send a message looking for a solution and for whatever reason I resolve the issue prior to the Mods contacting me. In this situation it would be advantageous to be able to inform the mods to not bother with the request. Sending another mail would be useless as it would be farther down the list and too late by the time they got to it.


Most forum softwares do not contain a feature to delete whatever's sent.

There is a delete button under messages (Mail icon => Sent => Select message => Delete on the bottom-right), not sure if it deletes locally or globally. You can try. I'd say better just send a message to nullify the request (Even though it's 1 extra message).

If this solves your question, please select my reply as Solution!

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