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911 can I send SMS to 911 after $10 plan 50 texts run out?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Once my monthly 50 SMS are all used up can I still Text (SMS) 911 in an emergency situation?


I looked at the shared link earlier today but didn't read too far into it.


From what I understand, once the T911 system is enabled for the device, it's still a call to 911 that is made, and the responses are identified by a longer telephone number that identifies the responses as coming from the 911 service.


I don't think straight texting is involved.



Not applicable

@Jarvar wrote:

Thank you @srlawren

I wasn't sure what it was and I I had to look it up initially as well. I just didn't want to make light of what people who require the service may have to go through. There's lots of things we take for granted sometimes. I tagged the moderator team at the begining because I couldn't find much about this topic except the one I posted earlier. Hopefully they can clear this up, since Public Mobile is clearly listed as one of the wireless providers who offer the T9-1-1 service.

It's in the add-ons list.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Thank you @srlawren

I wasn't sure what it was and I I had to look it up initially as well. I just didn't want to make light of what people who require the service may have to go through. There's lots of things we take for granted sometimes. I tagged the moderator team at the begining because I couldn't find much about this topic except the one I posted earlier. Hopefully they can clear this up, since Public Mobile is clearly listed as one of the wireless providers who offer the T9-1-1 service.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Good points, @Jarvar.  I was trying to be a little funny, but I did not mean to make light of people with different needs, especially during an emergency situation.  I apologize if I offended anyone, it was definitely not intended.  


Unfortunately I do not know the answer to the actual question.  I am hoping that we can get a reply here soon.  @Shazia_K@Mary_M, do you happen to know the answer?

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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@mimmo and @srlawren

There could be other reasons to text 9-1-1 as well. If you look it up.

T9-1-1 is a service available to you if you are part of the deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or speech impaired (DHHSI) community in Canada.

Granted, texting 9-1-1 is not as reliable as calling the service. However, I think it's right that everyone who requires assistance get it in a way that is most likely to succeed. Who do we know who we are talking to on here? There could be people who cannot hear or hear adequately well for everyday activities but a perfectly capable of writing and typing.

I believe the service may also requires them to eventually connect 9-1-1 through voice so the responder can hear what is happening in the actual environment, but the call can be initiated via text message.

I think it's a great question for those who need it.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@mimmo wrote:

@Dunkgirl just curious why would you want to  text 911 instead of call?

@mimmo just thinking out loud here:  there's a serial killer in your house looking for you and you're hiding silently in your bedroom closet.  You don't want to make a sound (aka by talking to the 911 operator) but need to alert them to the fact that you're about to be murdered. 


Or, maybe I watch too many slasher flix??  😉

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Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@Dunkgirl just curious why would you want to  text 911 instead of call?

@Jarvar wrote:


I may need to find out more information about texting 9-1-1. I found some information stating the the service needs to be registered first with your service provider and an eligible phone is required. For this it would probably be good to contact the @CS_Agent for more specifics on how to set this up eith your particilar phone and on your account. You can also private message them and they can answer you directly with more accurate information.

See here for some general information about the service.


There was also someone who gives much more specific information about the texting 9-1-1 service with Public Mobile here.


I hope that helps in pointjng you in the right direction.

Thank you for finding this in the archives!


I would boldly hypothesize NO.  Calling 911 via default dialer is baked right into all phones.  You can do that without a SIM card.  No such allowances are made available for SMS.  Also I would imagine that except those who have hearing impairments, using SMS in an emergency situation is far from practical.  Calling 911 and texting 911 are not equal. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


I may need to find out more information about texting 9-1-1. I found some information stating the the service needs to be registered first with your service provider and an eligible phone is required. For this it would probably be good to contact the @CS_Agent for more specifics on how to set this up eith your particilar phone and on your account. You can also private message them and they can answer you directly with more accurate information.

See here for some general information about the service.


There was also someone who gives much more specific information about the texting 9-1-1 service with Public Mobile here.


I hope that helps in pointjng you in the right direction.

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