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5G Network

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


@links to members
Good Morning,

 Yesterday, I bought a Samsung A15 5G phone.  I have set it all up, but the choices for Network Mode are only LTE/3G/2G or LTE/3G/2G(auto connect. On my old phone I had LTE 4G, using the same SIM card.  I have just changed my plan to 5G, the $34 offer, to be effective on my next renewal date. If I can’t use it with this phone, I’ll either have to return this phone, or switch back to my 4G plan.  Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.  I’ve already tried putting it in airplane mode, then turning it off; restarting the phone; software is up to date.  I haven’t tried removing the SIM cart and reinstalling it, and I haven’t yet tried resetting the network.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


Thank you for responding.  Yes, I have it in auto connection.

Mayor / Maire


I would suggest you leave it in the auto connection setting. This way the phone will automatically switch to the strongest signal.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


Thank you so much!  I didn’t know that LTE and 4G were the same thing….we learn something new everyday!  My area definitely doesn’t have 5G yet.  But I heard that Bell Canada is going to be upgrading their tower(s) in our town…..whether this will help or not, I don’t know.  Apparently we don’t have any Telus towers.  Anyway, I’m thankful that I won’t have to return my phone.

Mayor / Maire


that phone will work great on the PM network using the 5G/LTE/4G . If 5G is unavailable in your area, it'll select LTE instead..but once you're in an area where 5G is available, then it gets used. Either way, you're fine.

BTW...4G and LTE are the same thing.

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