02-15-2018 01:25 PM - edited 01-05-2022 04:06 AM
Just got this text message from Public Mobile. They are raising my plan price by $10/month, trying to get me to switch to Koodo. Anyone else got this text?
Public Mobile here. Starting March 20th, 2018 your rate plan price will increase by $10 per 30 days, making your plan $150 for 90 days. But don't worry! Our sister brand, Koodo, has a way for you to keep your $40 price point. Until March 15th, 2018, join Koodo and get 4GB of data, unlimited text and now additionally get UNLIMITED CANADA-WIDE minutes for $40/month PLUS get a one-time $100 bill credit! Offer valid for xxxxxxxxxxx. Redeem at your nearest Koodo location or London Drugs or online at https://koo.do/gocustomer-service. Show this msg and use promo code GOKOODO404GB to redeem along with 2 pieces of ID. Your phone number is your validation code. You're included on the list for Public Mobile offers and deals. To be excluded, reply unsubscribe. Conditions apply.
02-15-2018 06:06 PM
So no tab required as being mentioned for the $100 billing credit?
@canucks4lifewrote:Managed to get an extra $100 bill credit from Koodo kiosk in mall.
02-15-2018 06:03 PM
@mtfolkswrote:We really didn’t need another topic started. This isn’t helpful or productive. Thanks.
everybody wants to be the hero 😛
02-15-2018 06:02 PM
@89alucaswrote:Is it possible that we can all just write posts and bravo one another to gain rewards that amount to more than what the increase in the bill will be?
LOL well done
The only drawback is that 50% of us would get community rewards which is the lowest reward level ($2/mo), although if fast enough & have good points could move up.
02-15-2018 06:01 PM
We really didn’t need another topic started. This isn’t helpful or productive. Thanks.
02-15-2018 06:00 PM
Very frustrating to have this "deal" offered to switch while losing the flexibility of managing data over the course of 90 days, in addition to losing the referral, loyalty, auto pay and community rewards. This is more of Telus' doing in order to try to eliminate PM so hopefully people are not going to switch in haste as they need to fight back and voice their displeasure
02-15-2018 06:00 PM
Ok I just wanted to say to everyone, don't be so quick to switch to the Koodo offer just yet. By doing so you are letting them take advantage of you!!
The more of us that complain the more chance there is to get our message across and possible action taken against Telus for this.
See this post for links to the forms.
02-15-2018 06:00 PM - edited 02-15-2018 06:05 PM
Managed to get an extra $100 bill credit from Koodo kiosk in mall.
FYI $100 offer credit is $25 on first four bills.
02-15-2018 05:59 PM
@ScrapIronwrote:I'm pretty disappointed to say the least. I switched over with good faith, despite not having a phone to call about problems, and a glitchy sign up webpage that took me 3 hours to register three people. I was content until this happened, very unfortunate.
I'm lucky that my 3-months is ending when Koodo's promo is ending but I know not everyone is that lucky.
I just wanted to thank the poster who gave us the link to the CCTS, I've already filed my complaint.
Hold that thought though, CCTS might reject your complaint if you have not officially attempted a resolution with Telus. I suggest you PM a mod, wait for them to give you that script talking about the "sister plan", then consider it a "matter not resolved."
02-15-2018 05:57 PM
I'm pretty disappointed to say the least. I switched over with good faith, despite not having a phone to call about problems, and a glitchy sign up webpage that took me 3 hours to register three people. I was content until this happened, very unfortunate.
I'm lucky that my 3-months is ending when Koodo's promo is ending but I know not everyone is that lucky.
I just wanted to thank the poster who gave us the link to the CCTS, I've already filed my complaint.
02-15-2018 05:57 PM
What's really funny is that the worst thing it seems we could do to Public Mobile is continue to be their customer. If they are planning to shut down why not say so.
I love the idea of a online-only no-frills carrier. But have the decency to actually want to have customers.
02-15-2018 05:55 PM
A plan with flexibility to spend 1GB in first month, 1GB in second and 10GB in third IS NOT the same as UP TO 4GB in each month.
Secondly, the real price of the plan with loyalty discount (since everyone on this plan is over 1 year) plus preauthorized payment discount is $37 per 30 days = $37.51 per calendar month. This IS NOT the same as $40 per month.
Plus, $100 credit does not even cover lost 2 months plus Koodo's sim card ($107 with tax).
This is a pure swindle after promises of no surprises.
02-15-2018 05:54 PM
I was going to switch to the Koodo deal if the 100$ credit counts towards monthly service fees. But by the sounds of it based on posts here that's not the case. Which I guess I'll have to wait it out and find something else. At least I'll have until end of April
02-15-2018 05:52 PM
How much bravo does it take?
@89alucaswrote:Is it possible that we can all just write posts and bravo one another to gain rewards that amount to more than what the increase in the bill will be?
02-15-2018 05:52 PM - edited 02-15-2018 06:32 PM
@WearySkywrote:Also, it's ironic - all the people complaining in this thread will likely bump themselves into a higher community reward. Lol.
But many may not still be here to collect their rewards at renewal.
I am going to check out PM's plans to see if I can make do with less data or slower data & keep the loyalty & other rewards (no referral as they would go). And check out Koodo's plans & Freedom. Freedom I've always liked the idea of getting slow data when your plan runs out. Not so fond of having to worry about zones or what band my phone uses.
In fact, i can renew at the old rate as my renewal is days before the proposed increase.
02-15-2018 05:52 PM - edited 02-15-2018 06:00 PM
Hi @CS_Agent,
This is my formal request for you to resolve the price hike issue (publicly, I've also sent a private message), prior to me filing a complaint with CRTC and CCTS.
I joined Public Mobile on your promise that the promotional price would not be altered. Your words were "no surprises". I left Freedom Mobile (at the time Wind Mobile) because of that promise, and have been enjoying the $120/12GB/90Days plan. Now you come out with this ridiculous price hike of TEN DOLLARS A MONTH. How can you lie to your customers like that? Making us port over to Koodo is NOT a solution, because that's not the company I signed up with, and frankly I don't want the alternative plan. I want the plan that I signed up for, period. Please fix this issue before I go on and try my darndest to let everyone know how you disrespect your customers and pull a bait and switch like this.
Your disappointed customer.
02-15-2018 05:52 PM
@HSuewrote:I paid my three month fee in mid-February 2018. If I switch to Kooda voluntarily, I lose my prepayments. Ouch!!!! I think this business practice should be reported to the BBB.
This is why they're also giving everybody a $100 bill credit for transferring over.
I think the $100 credit applies only if you go on a tab... that's the way I understand it. If you don't want to go on a tab, you don't get the $100 offer.
02-15-2018 05:52 PM
@methylwrote:By the way, the $100 credit on Koodo is not for paying monthly balance but only for Tab (buying a new phone from Koodo that you'd need to buy to utilize credit) or potentially for extra add-ons
Official link please?
05:50 PM
- last edited on
05:52 PM
Or PM can stop being ***** and reverse their ****decision.
02-15-2018 05:50 PM
We should see this coming when PM separate plans for "3G" speed and unlimited speed.
02-15-2018 05:50 PM
@89alucaswrote:Is it possible that we can all just write posts and bravo one another to gain rewards that amount to more than what the increase in the bill will be?
LOL well done
02-15-2018 05:49 PM
Is it possible that we can all just write posts and bravo one another to gain rewards that amount to more than what the increase in the bill will be?
02-15-2018 05:48 PM
@WearySkywrote:This is why they're also giving everybody a $100 bill credit for transferring over.
Bill credit doesn't cover monthly service. Only for Tab/add-ons. Not uselful.
Exactly. The recurring credits actually bring our plan down to under $35 for 4GB assuming you stay for the full 5 years to get the maximum loyalty credits, with rollover benefits which will all be gone when you move to Koodo for the $40/4GB.
02-15-2018 05:48 PM - edited 02-15-2018 05:49 PM
@rita_fuchswrote:Aslo, I wrote to them and this was the reply I got when I asked them how I could keep my plan without loosing what I have :
That's actually untrue because how can the $40 Koodo plan equate to my $40 PM plan with my reward discounts?! If they are saying "keep the same price", they should honour my plan with reward discounts. I'm at a sub-$30/mo price point and was happy up until 2 hours ago.
The 40 dollar plan doesn't even have unlimited calling, it's unlmited from X AM/PM nonsense, it's not the same plan, it's just more lies from Public Mobile.
02-15-2018 05:47 PM
02-15-2018 05:46 PM
I have been using Public Mobile for a quite some time. I am currently on the $120 4Gb/ month plan. When I accepted that plan, I accepted it based on assurance that it will not increase. I am sure that Public Mobile is aware that any changes to any agreement requires the consent of both parties. I myself, like many other here, did not sign a contract with Public Mobile nor it's parent compnay Telus. Services provided by Public Mible and accepted by the client/ cosumer are subject to certain terms and conditions. On my end, when I acquired services from Public Mobile, I acquired the 4GB plans per month based on the agreement that it would be $120 per 90 days and based on the understanding that it will not increase. There was not any priovious disclosure between myself, as the client, and Public Mobile that this plan would increase at any point of time with consent and mutual agreement. Public Mobile is therefore in breach of the agreement and liable for damages resulting from that breach. Public Mobile has also engaged in providing false and misleading information to acquire business and attract clients to sign up for that plan when it was first offered. The reason I say that is because I feel that as I was assured, like veryone else that this plan cost would not increase as long as we are active members. Not only Public Mobile has breached agreements, but also has engaged in questionable practices and violated consumer the Consumer Protection Act. I would have been very happy to switch from Public Mobile to another company and take advantage of the 10GB plan that was offered back then if I knew that Public Mobile will breach agreement. Public Mobile's action resulted in myself, and many others, in not being able to take advantage of that limited time offer, thus potentially inflicting additional costs to the consumer if they would switch now.
I will certainly be speaking to a lawyer in order to consider my legal options against Public Mobile and it's parent company if necessary. I will for sure be involving the CRTC as well with this matter and Consumer Protection BC. I will be considering pursuing a claim against Public Mobile for breach of agreement and for damages resulting from their actions.
I do hope that a moderator is able to review this post and bring it to the immediate attention of management.
02-15-2018 05:46 PM
After contributing that much to this forum we don't deserve this.
02-15-2018 05:46 PM - edited 02-15-2018 05:47 PM
@WearySkywrote:This is why they're also giving everybody a $100 bill credit for transferring over.
Bill credit doesn't cover monthly service. Only for Tab/add-ons. Not useful.
02-15-2018 05:46 PM
@HSuewrote:I paid my three month fee in mid-February 2018. If I switch to Kooda voluntarily, I lose my prepayments. Ouch!!!! I think this business practice should be reported to the BBB.
This is why they're also giving everybody a $100 bill credit for transferring over.
You're still shafting someone who just renewed vs someone who is renewing on or before Pi day (3/14).
02-15-2018 05:45 PM
Filed complaint with CCTS.
Attached a copy of Brook_C (an official representative of PM) posting that the price would never change as long as your plan is active (no surprises!)
together with a screenshot of the text message noting the price increase.
02-15-2018 05:45 PM
@da_guy2 wrong
Read what you posted
@da_guy2wrote:For anyone that's just renewed. If you cancel PM are required to repay you for any portion of your payment unued from the moment you cancel with the. From the CCTS code:
Annotation: WSPs must provide pro-rated refunds for cancelled services Context: Many post-paid customers have complained about some WSPs not cancelling their service upon request. Issue: CCTS has seen two different scenarios when customers call to cancel their service:
1. The WSP explains to the customer that it will cancel the service on that day but since the customer has already paid in advance for the entire month of service, it will not refund the customer for the days in which (s)he didn’t use the service. So the WSP encourages the customer to stay until the end of the month and some customers do end up doing this, to avoid paying for wireless services with two providers; or
2. The WSP cancels the service on the day that the customer requests to cancel. But then the customer receives his/her bill and realizes that even though the WSP cancelled service, it continued to charge for services for the rest of the bill cycle. The customer complains to us after (s)he realizes that the WSP will not refund the pro-rated fees for the days in which (s)he didn’t have service.
Our comments: The CRTC clarified in Telecom Decision 2016-171 that WSPs are not only required to cancel the wireless services on the day they receive a cancellation request from the customer, but they must not continue to charge the customer for services (s)he does not receive. In addition, it clarifies that the WSPs are required to provide pro-rated refunds for the days when the customer didn’t use the services.4