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3GB free data

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

When I activated my phone I entered the code for the 3GB of free data. I still don't have it on my account and it has been more than 72 hours. How long should it take?



The 3gb data add on promo is contingent on staying on the plan you chose at sign up. Although often if you upgrade your plan you can keep the promotional offer but you would want to confirm with a moderator before doing so.....the special promotional $35/2gb plan may be appealing but you are probably better off using the add ons to supplement your $25/1gb plan unless you feel you will use 2 full 1gb per month. Data add ons are $15/1gb and roll over versus plan data which resets used or not. 1gb of plan data will cost you $10 to upgrade to the $35 plan. If you really need data spend $15 instead of $10 and get 4gb more with the $40 plan.

@1John419 best to ask Moderators, as they would have more info on that. normally data promos and add-ons usually stay with the account when you decide to change plans

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@jesseps wrote:

One thing to know, is if you want to change your plan, you will lose out on the 3GB.

May I ask for further clarification on this? I may want to change my $25 plan in the future to a $15 or $35 plan.


I browsed the forums for an answer to this and as far as I know, promos and add-ons are attached to your account so changing your plan won't remove the 3GB promo data?


Please correct me if I'm mistaken, I can't find the fine print for the 3GB flash offer anymore so can't confirm this. Cheers.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Best thing is contact a moderator.


I signed up with the incorrect email address but it still worked.


I had them change my account email to the correct one, even if was applied to the wrong email address.


One thing to know, is if you want to change your plan, you will lose out on the 3GB.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks for the info everyone!

Mayor / Maire

@3kimc if you used the same email and you think you qualify you can message customer support here


make sure to check your inbox(top right corner envelope icon) periodically, for a message


Moderators are available from Monday to Friday from 8AM to Midnight EST and from Saturday and Sunday from 8AM to 10PM PM EST

@3kimc wrote:

When I activated my phone I entered the code for the 3GB of free data. I still don't have it on my account and it has been more than 72 hours. How long should it take?

If you signed up for the offer by registering your e-mail from May 26 to 28 and activated a $25 or higher plan online using the same e-mail address, you should have received the bonus within 2 business days of activation.

Not applicable

@3kimc wrote:

When I activated my phone I entered the code for the 3GB of free data. I still don't have it on my account and it has been more than 72 hours. How long should it take?

Did you use the email address submission form between May 26-28?

Did you use the same email address during activation?

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