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13 days...can't receive calls or SMS but data works so I've got that going for me...

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

So 13 days later and I'm at a loss on what to do (minus spam every mod but I don't want to do that since I know everyone is swamped I imagine). 


I've messaged a mod who told me it was definitely a stuck port and to provide with additional info...I provided the info but they haven't read the message in a week. I reached out to PM via Twitter who also said the port was stuck. They said it'll take between 30 mins to 2 hours to finish (that was Friday) but still nothing today.


It's funny too because my girlfriend ported from Bell and literally it was done in 10 minutes. What must I do PM??? I just want to use your service 😞


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

depends what phone you have.  Mine is a blackberry running android.  i just go to settings, about phone, status and than sim status.  there I can see the phone number attached to the sim if I have voice service and data service.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

oops....sorry @Bender, meant to tag @Muzzy. Apologies 🙂 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@StephanieD Seeing what? 🙂

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen



I'm not sure where you see this? 🙂 There is nothing in my PM self serve account that states this. I can see my phone number in "plans and add-ons" and the overview shows data has been used. Outgoing works from PM for data and calls, some texts (not all) and incoming does not work at all. Incoming is still all Bell. So it seems like both numbers (same phone number) is active on both sides\SIMs. I'm not sure what to do or even how that works, and I'm not hearing back from Mods .

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

you can go to settings, look at your SIM card and it will tell you what number is attached to it.  Check this out and see, mine even told me if I had service and data active.  As well what number does your self serve account have attached to it?  your Bell number or PM number?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

My port from Bell is incomplete. My Husband did his last week from Rogers without any problems. 2 hours and it was done. My mother did hers on Thursday from Bell and it took 2 days to get the email from Bell confriming that the port was complete. Mine has not moved at all since I did it 3 days ago. I know it takes 2 for the transition to occur. Its just frustrating with no estimate on timelines given. I know its not all PM's fault ! 


@Bender I dont think its required to leave the PM sim card in, however when the port is complete if PM sends you a text stating that its done (which I think they do) you wouldnt receive it. I. luckly have 2 phones, so one has the Bell card in it and the other has the PM card. Its just a pain to carry them both around and use them for different things when I need to  !!!  Hopefully this gets sorted out soon !!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Did the port on November 8 and from Rogers. The worst part is my billing for Rogers renewed for the month since the port didn't complete.

I do have the PM Sim in but have taken it out to put my Rogers Sim in since I need to receive calls sometimes.

Is it required to leave the PM Sim in until the port is complete since thought I was supposed to keep the Rogers Sim in?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Lots of people having this problem. I was ported fine coming from Bell.

But both my sister and father switching from Rogers last Thursday, are still having the problem.

Absolutely no reply from any Mods...

The LEAST they could do is, notify everyone or create a THREAD explaining what's wrong and how long it will take to fix.

At this point it doesn't matter how good of a plan it is, if there is poor service.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I did mine from Rogers and everything seems to be working great now.  But I had problems and decided to be patient and slowly work through it.  I set everything up first and than did the port, which I made sure I filled out all the detail to make it easier.  And double checked my info before sending. 


some of this is not just PM but the other provider, it does take two for the transition to occur.  do you have the PM SIM in?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I am in the same boat. Ported from Bell. Stuck. Cant receive incoming calls or texts, but outgoing works ok to other PM #'s. Sent message to mod and tagged in a post. No reply. Its very Frustrating !! An ETA on when this can be sorted out, or at least some communication would be great !!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

when did you do the port?  and from what provider?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have the same problem.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

can I ask what provider you are coming from?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire



Hope you'll get your service back soon. I think cause of a high volume of messages, mods are really busy. Once they read your message, they will get back to you. You're a patient one.... don't be desesperate. 



Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

After they did the fix on Friday have you powered the phone off, removed the SIM, re-inserted the SIM and powered phone back on?


Do you have a phone with a dual SIM - if so remove the old SIM and only have the public mobile SIM.


Usually when they say they've fixed it most folks phones start to work.


If all these things fail I would go back to Twitter - that venue seems to get results faster.

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