‎07-09-2017 09:46 PM - edited ‎01-04-2022 02:18 PM
‎07-14-2017 11:06 PM
@im_2pogi4u wrote:
I still haven't gotten the additional 6gb on this plan. And I was signed up and activated before the July 6th, 2017 deadline too. Please help as I am unable to Private Message a moderator. Thanks in advance!!
There's nothing we can do on our end. Only the moderators are able to help you with that. May I ask why you are unable to message a moderator?
‎07-14-2017 10:51 PM
‎07-12-2017 03:52 PM
Interesting. I wouldn't have stayed anyways, I'm not really looking to increase my bill. Public provides ways you can decrease the cost and still have a very good plan. Technically I don't use more than 1GB per month because almost everywhere I go there's reliable WIFI.
But I'll be sure to mention this to my friends who are on FIDO and don't want to move. Thanks for the info.
‎07-12-2017 12:35 AM
others have mentioned that fido was offering a similar plan but at $45 and you had to call retention to get it
‎07-10-2017 09:38 PM
‎07-10-2017 09:36 PM
Oh ok. I came from FIDO so I wouldn't have been eligible anyways. Now I don't feel so bad 😀
‎07-10-2017 09:35 PM
‎07-10-2017 09:33 PM
Is this a new promo deal? I signed up last week Friday and I didn't see this offer. Would I still be eligible to get this?
‎07-10-2017 12:52 PM
Lol. This is a funny thread.
The OP went to town on their data. Will be interesting to see if it resets back to 0 as it has for a few other users or if stays at it's current usage.
‎07-10-2017 08:53 AM
‎07-10-2017 01:49 AM
so much data usage..........
‎07-10-2017 12:29 AM
I don't thing anyone was making fun of your data usage. A couple members saw how much you used in a short time and were simply attempting to give you a heads up on how data worked at PM, as some people are unaware of that they can use all their data on day one and not have any left for the remaining 89 days and how many members track their usage by using a data monitor app like mydatamanager since it tracks over 90 days and not monthly.
Hopefully teh mods get your bonus data going soon
‎07-09-2017 11:07 PM
please stop commenting on my data usage...I accidentally forgot to use wifi at home and watched a couple of movies on my phone, and I usually do not use more than 3 gig a month when I was with wind
‎07-09-2017 10:56 PM
‎07-09-2017 10:45 PM
As @Nsk143 mentioned, it looks like you've used 5.1 GB already since June 24. Just so you're aware, the 12 GB (6 + 6 GB) allotment is over 90 days, not per month. This means you now have just around 7 GB remaining for use over the other 74 days left in your cycle.
To keep track of your data usage so you don't run out too early, I recommend using an app such as My Data Manager. It's quite accurate and it's customizable to a 90 day plan. It also has customizable alarms for when you reach certain thresholds of usage.
‎07-09-2017 10:32 PM
‎07-09-2017 09:54 PM
Here's how if you don't know already (:
‎07-09-2017 09:49 PM