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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,530 REPLIES 5,530

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

So much fury about lost rewards, even though it says on the dashboard that old referrals may take up to 30 days to show.  See if there's still the same problem in a month.

What are people expecting to see?  Aside from the 5 gift points, the only other things will be 5% back after your next payment, referrals within a month, Community (where applicable), and loyalty 10 on your anniversary date.  These things will happen over time, not as soon as the switch occurs.  I think there are some premature reactions, such as those complaining they lost their rewards.  They will probably show up in the next few weeks.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

That's a separate issue.  Would you rather they not offer it at all?  The $ 34.00/50 GB plan came up last year for new activations only, then, a while later it was offered to existing, and I got it.  The plan currently offered does NOT have unlimited throttled data, but it has US calling and data.  I prefer the unlimited, as I don't need US stuff, but then, when the $ 29.00/20 GB 30-day plan came up ($ 25.00 if you opt for 90 days), the $ 9.00 decrease drew me in, especially since I don't use much data (it turns out).

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Absolutely Sandijam. That would, at least, ensure that those who are losing the most discounts, be compensated by access to the best plan available at the time the rewards discounts were taken away. Giving those who are forced to switch "5 points" as a welcome gift to the Rewards System is pathetic, and only maddened people.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

long time customers should not “have to wait”. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you for the reply colleeno. I am aware of the $19 1GB 4G plan. My point is that for the customers who have dutifully supported Public Mobile by not jumping back and forth between providers to get the best current deal, this is an insult. Stripping the longest serving customers of basically all their discounts for remaining loyal customers for 5 years and longer, and not allowing them access to the best current deal available is disgusting. Toilet paper comes on sale; 30 double rolls for about $12, yet Public Mobile chooses to use their most loyal customers as their toilet paper.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Once again, wait.  Don't be surprised if the "new activations only" is offered to us in a while.  It's happened before.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@nomadthinker There is a new $19 plan offered to existing customers but isn’t shown publicly in their plan offerings. When logged into your account, go to Manage Subscription and then to Change Subscription. You should see that one of the plan options is a $19 4G 1Gb 30-day plan with unlimited calling and texting. Yes, it’s not as good as the new activations plan but it is better than your current 3G $25 plan.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

There must be a shortage of screwdrivers in Canada; because the decision makers at Public Mobile sure have a lot of loose or missing screws. The absurdity of forcing the change over to Reward Points, while not allowing the same subscriber to, at least, take advantage of a far better plan, that is available for "new activations only", is so pathetic, it is comical. A 5 year subscriber to the $25.00 1GB 3G plan, will have their $5 monthly discount and the $2 auto-pay discount stripped away, in favor of a $1.25 per month discount. This is bad enough, but for Public Mobile to then tell the same customer that we are now offering a  $19.00 3GB 4G plan that is far superior and less expensive than the plan you have now, but oops, sorry, we are not allowing you to have this plan, because it is for "new activations only", goes beyond absurd. The patients are now running the insane asylum when you force your subscribers, who have been with you the longest, to change to the more expensive Rewards System, then force them to remain on an outdated plan, by offering someone who just walked through the door, something far better and less expensive. My last words are that "there are people who should be fired over this".

Mayor / Maire

It’s official the new rewards system looks worse or as bad as it sounds 

public mobile yesterday 


Public mobile today 



Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I wonder why it is that some people may not have received notice about the change as early as the rest of us.  How much notice is appropriate?

Separately, instead of me trying to find a better deal elsewhere, would all those who have found a better deal, please post it?  Only those who found a better deal than 20 GB/month for $ 14.92 need post, if you're willing.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

The change is new for those who were on Rewards.  Points have been around since January 2022.

Did you recommend anyone to PM since February 2022?  If so, they would be on Points, not Rewards.  If you did, what's different now?  The change only affects those who subscribed before January 2022.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Wow. What a complete 360 in service. Public Mobile, I recommended you to people I know because your old rewards system was the absolute best around. I am beyond disappointed you would throw away all the goodwill you built with your customers. This new points system is ridiculous and useless. I know it was completely legal to do this but it’s a low blow. I will be looking around for another carrier.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

That's a CCTS complaint as I did not consent to this change and as a result my bill will go up. Have fun dealing with that.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I contacted Public Mobile in regards to the screw you that is the new rewards program they are forcing people onto and they were only willing to offer me a one time credit for one month's service, when I toold them I am still leaving they told me sorry and that was it. At that point I started looking for and found there are many many other providers that offer better packages for the same price or even cheaper.

I only started looking at other providers because Pubic Mobile decided to screw over their loyal customers.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am unhappy with this change. With the auto pay reward, I got $2 off my bill plus $5 off everymonth for loyalty reward (I've been with public for FIVE years!!) 


Now, I am paying full price again... what can I do to get an equivalent deal back now with this system? 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

The roll out on this was handled poorly. The first time Public communicated this change to me was when I recieved enrollment notification today. I thought someone had hacked my account. 

I received other messages from Public, but not this. Something is broken in your customer service area that should be looked into. 

HI @PmEugeS 

actually, out of the $11, you have 4 ore more friend referrals?

the friend referrals will now show up in points.  You wait a day or two after renewal, then check the Rewards site again, and you should see PM add 5% points plus the friend referrals there.  

After you see you get 15 points, you can then redeem for $15 bill credit


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

So I just checked my Public account after the switch to the new Reward system. I had $11 dollars earned in the old system in the previous reward system from my April billing (so technically it should be applied to my next billing cycle)...all of that just disappeared. Isn't that considered stealing from the customer what they had earned?  I thought they would have applied at least the remaining dollar amount that was earned before the next billing cycle switch and clearing that amount before the switch. Angry...really angry.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Fizz has 20 GB for $ 25.00 a month, which is the same as my PM plan, before points, so it's not a better deal for me. 

Other carriers might have adequate coverage, but the only way I would know is to switch, and, based on past experience, I am unwilling to do that.

I don't think it was unethical.  The terms state they can change things whenever they like, we got 28 months on Rewards, instead of being forced onto Points, and the offerings have both increased data and reduced prices.

hi @Alex111R 

business is business, all carrier has the right to change Rewards system.  Just people not understand that and misfire their angers

If you check around, lots of rewards system change and all change for the worse.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Fizz is a better deal. Depending on where you live, you may lack coverage. But it is expanding. People who rave about it, do not rave about it just because $$, but also because of the disgusting act of public mobile treating clients as idiots and dismissing loyalty accumulated so far even with the new points system. I do not want to do business with a dishonest business. It is up to you if you stay for $$ (if the $$ is not the issue, then there are other networks with better coverage too for you)

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I forgot to say - it appears that some individuals are upset because they are losing discounts every month, vs. having to wait to accumulate.  It comes across that they seem like they've got one foot out the door all the time, ready to jump ship at a moment's notice.  All this for a loss of $ 5.42 a month.  In my own case, my plan was free for two years, and I saved $ 360.00 before taxes, equivalent to over 66 months at $ 5.42 each.  I just dropped my plan price to a maximum of $ 21.92/month for 20 GB.  If I had left in recent time because I was mad, I would have missed out on this deal, and ended up paying more elsewhere, and, possibly, encountering reception issues.  I know that some people are looking 250 years down the road, but I might not live to see tomorrow, so...

If you can get a better deal elsewhere, go.  If you can get your referrals to follow you, by all means.  I've been discussing this with some of my referrals since the start, and they've investigated other offerings, only to find that they are either the same price before PM discounts, or else there are reception issues.  I thought Fizz was the best deal, what with their 50% off beta testing.  In the long run, it was still cheaper to stay with PM, but rollover and gifting data sounded great.  Unfortunately, between reception, coverage, and phone incompatibility, I couldn't do it.  It doesn't matter how good another carrier's deal is if you can't use it.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Something to consider is, PM did NOT have to give us the option to stay on Rewards back in January 2022.  They could have just switched everybody.  Those of us who stayed on Rewards until now got an extra 28 months.   Is no-one grateful for what they got, vs. only upset at what they've now lost?  It reminds me of people who say that their partner doesn't see what they do, only what they don't do.

Separately, numerous individuals have commented in past that they wished that PM offered X, even if it was more expensive.  As an example, my wife and I switched over to the $ 75.00/90 days 60 GB plan (20 GB/month).  That's $ 25.00 a month for 20 GB, in comparison to the recent offering of 1 GB for $ 25.00.  What if the Rewards had stuck around, but plan prices went up?  Would that have been better?  My wife and I will lose $ 4.92/month each with the change, but we each dropped $ 9.00/month switching from the $ 34.00/50 GB plan.  I still don't know how many of my referrals remain, but, even if they all leave (except my wife), I will still average $ 3.08 off per month, for a plan price of $ 21.92 for 20 GB.  I don't see anywhere else I can get that with adequate reception/coverage in my area.  There are multiple offerings of more data and US calling, but I don't need either of those.  Until further notice, this is still the best deal for us.

The following is not meant to be offensive to anyone.  When we communicate verbally, we can hear grammatical errors, but not spelling or punctuation mistakes.  In comparison, when writing (texts, posts, e-mails, etc.), we can see all of those things.  Think about how it would make you feel if you bought a physical book, and it had...

little or no punctuation;

no paragraph breaks;

run-on sentences;

no capitalization at the beginning of sentences;

some or all of the words in all caps, bold, or both;

inconsistent spacing;

along with spelling and grammatical errors.

My point is, please keep in mind credibility when posting, because, it may be that a person isn't taken seriously because of the post composition.  It would be nice if everything was fair in life, but many people will dismiss someone's post because it is poorly constructed.  I know multiple people who have given up reading things because they were poorly written, so go from there.

HI @Y4J259 thanks for being creative

since March, many has came up different idea of how PM can offer better to make us happy, or help us to save more

But I think those who suggested missed the fact that PM is not asking for suggestion.  This is a change that already in process, in fact, the old rewards system pretty much dead by now.  Many made complain and none, absolutely no one reported back saying PM lost the argument and need to offer anything for compensation.  

So, all efforts are in vein.  


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

It is evident from the many, many questions posted here that legacy customers are unaware of the switch from rewards to points. Clearly, PM has failed to communicate properly for such a significant change. 

I'd suggest that most (all?) people who subscribe to a bottom-tier cell service do so entirely because of the total $$$ spent each month. Do you think they care how the bill is calculated by plan, rewards, loyalty, referrals, etc? No, they care only about the total money coming out of their account every month. So... to force this change to points, and by doing so, force thousands of customers into paying significantly higher bills is unethical. Why? You'll notice I didn't say illegal because they have fine print, but to convince thousands that they will stay on the rewards plan "as long as they remain with PM", and then changing just that is unethical. 

To make it worse, they have forced people into paying more (a "legal" loophole by changing the rewards program in a "legal" bait and switch strategy, and then removed the option for those customers to switch to a new plan as those plans are for new activations only. Disgusting practices. CCTS must look into this "legal" bait and switch loophole. Customers only care about the total $$$. 

If so many people didn't realize their plan is changing, how many will realistically log in every month or so to use points to buy bill credit? PM has intentionally not allowed auto crediting because they know most won't log in regularly. Again, very cynical. 

So, I want PM to allow auto bill credits when people "earn" points each month. So that using rewards is not an intentionally frustrating experience. 

It makes them money, that's all that matters.    Not what's 'right'.    Sadly.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

With the Points program, it should remain my credit.  Now I have to pay more, it is now right.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It is peanuts really because it is temporary - no carry over.

Unless you use data heavily - it is of no use.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Looks like they are burning up my "loyalty" data over my regular plan data... Anyone else?Screenshot 2024-05-16 9.56.32 PM.png

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