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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,554 REPLIES 5,554

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
10 points every 12 months

So does this mean

12 months 10 pts 

24 (12 + 12 )months 20 pts

36 (12+12+12) months 30 pts

So on and so on?

With no upper limit, if and this is a big if, with tongue in cheek it would be easy to address loyalty with accumulated credit and no end to upper limit 😉


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@hTideGnow  when did you test/compare them, in what area and using criteria did you use for your testing? What are you using as a basis for saying they are not reliable?  Please elaborate? How about post some data regarding your testing criteria.. just saying something isn't reliable and continually siding with PM only makes you sound like a Public Mobile paid asset in this community.  Seriously, if I change for a month to another plan of any other provider and don't like it I'm sure PM will be happy for me to rejoin and take my money with the same crappy new rewards system.. which to be honest I don't even know if I now trust them to not pull out from under me in a year or two anyway. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@ATHENS wrote:

Be careful before jumping to another provider.  Their incentives may be short lived and may also have inferior service. For example Fizz mobile offers a $14.95 monthly plan but only for 6 months. and in addition their network may NOT be suitable for older phones.

List of phones certified VoLTE with Fizz 



  • iPhone 8 and 8 plus
  • iPhone X
  • iPhone XS and XS Max
  • iPhone XR
  • iPhone 11, 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max
  • iPhone SE (2nd and 3rd generation)
  • iPhone 12 mini, 12, 12 Pro and 12 Pro Max
  • iPhone 13 mini, 13, 13 Pro and 13 Pro Max
  • iPhone 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max
  • iPhone 15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro et 15 Pro Max

Yeah I'm finding it slim pickings for what I need.  I recently switched to the $34 50GB plan (mainly on the assumption that I'd have my credits) but there doesn't seem to be many options that have roaming add-ons and have at least 20 GB of data.  I've tried Freedom in the past but had some coverage issues which leaves me with Fido or Virgin (it's too bad Lucky doesn't have roaming or I would have probably switched by now).  The last time I signed with Virgin they increased the monthly within 6 months and both seem to like to use the "after monthly credits for 24 months" tactic which I hate.  I just want a price that I can stick with and not have to worry about doing the "dance" to negotiate a better deal after 24 months...sigh...

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@RetiredGuy1  I'd be careful rubbing that PM ball.. you might catch something contagious that you can't get rid of like a new rewards STD.  lol

Mayor / Maire

Can somebody please demonstrate (show the comments) how the Oracles are guilting people into feeling sorry for Telus?

One might arbitrarily discern that, however I do not feel that is the scope/intent of their feedback on the thread.

I believe they are bringing balance to a discussion and every healthy discussion ought to have balanced viewpoints.

I wonder if the users that are asserting this may be looking to rile up the masses and gain bravos.

How about we not delve this thread into a social media type of atmosphere.

@IanP wrote:

TELUS' CEO is Darren Entwistle, appointed in Jan 2000, has a tenure of 24.08 years. total yearly compensation is CA$17.49M, comprised of 9.2% salary and 90.8% bonuses, including company stock and options. directly owns 0.054% of the company's shares, worth CA$19.04M.

The average Telus executive compensation is $236,603 a year. The median estimated compensation for executives at Telus including base salary and bonus is $237,477, or $114 per hour. At Telus, the most compensated executive makes $700,000, annually, 

Guess they need to get inflation pay rise.

Comparison is the thief of joy.  I am not the least bit offended by Darren's stipend and that mine was never even close.  I don't think I could have done his job and so I don't earn his pay.  All things considered, I am at peace.  

hi @wetcoaster 

I tested and compared both and I have to say, that is not a reliable network 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Yeah, some people seem to think that Freedom is the same as when it was Wind, but there's a reason why Freedom is Public Mobiles main competition right now, and why PM is always price matching them. Their service is pretty incredible for most of the population.

@hTideGnow wrote:

hi @joe77 the $10 plan, now $13 is still a better plan for low income people although the price is not the same.  Some people will also you to go to another carrier with an annual plan. The price is attractive but the network is not reliable.  Think twice 

 Have you been a Freedom customer in the past two years? Did you use a completely compatible device?

While their network isn't perfect, they have come a long way. Whereas there are areas where PM/Telus' network has disintegrated to near unusable over the same timeframe. 80% of my referrals who have moved to Freedom (native network covering their residence) have considerably better network connection and reliability now than they had at Public Mobile before switching. Having said that, a device with all the Freedom bands is crucial for optimal service.


As I mentioned above... Freedom is not for everybody, and, unfortunately, in some regions they aren't a viable alternative to the big 3 (yet). But an unqualified blanket statement about their network reliability is not a constructive reply to those here that have been hit the hardest by the removal of rewards.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

I know at least one Oracle who thinks so

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Sorry, should of said this was directly from internet

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

TELUS' CEO is Darren Entwistle, appointed in Jan 2000, has a tenure of 24.08 years. total yearly compensation is CA$17.49M, comprised of 9.2% salary and 90.8% bonuses, including company stock and options. directly owns 0.054% of the company's shares, worth CA$19.04M.

The average Telus executive compensation is $236,603 a year. The median estimated compensation for executives at Telus including base salary and bonus is $237,477, or $114 per hour. At Telus, the most compensated executive makes $700,000, annually, 

Guess they need to get inflation pay rise.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@hTideGnow wrote:

hi @G_Pomzz PM has legal right to make change has the rewards system is optional, it is not really a price change althoght it affects the paymemt in the end.  Key to that PM already given advance notice and didn't take away any rewards already earned

They have given advanced notice about changing everyone to the new program, that's right (even though it's less than 60 days notice for most clients).

However they changed the "rules" (ie, not giving 1 point per month with Public Mobile if you decide to switch program) without advance notice...

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

False. The forced migration to the new points program is taking away loyalty rewards of up to $60 per year for 5+ year subscribers and replacing that with only $10 in anniversary points per year. With all due respect, you know that already. You might want to clarify your post.

@Kel1 wrote:

How to access my account because of the pop up about retiring the old loyal program

Select/tap/click on teh X to close the popup.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I created an account to express my dismay regarding this mandatory change that does not add any value to loyal customers. I will now look into switching to another service provider.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Screenshot 2024-03-14 170546.png

hi @G_Pomzz PM has legal right to make change has the rewards system is optional, it is not really a price change althoght it affects the paymemt in the end.  Key to that PM already given advance notice and didn't take away any rewards already earned

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

That makes sense, are there any lawyers out there who can offer a legal opinion on whether PM can arbitrarily take away our existing rewards program?.

Years back, Shaw tried this with TV programming and the CRTC forced them to backtrack on it. 

hi @joe77 the $10 plan, now $13 is still a better plan for low income people although the price is not the same.  Some people will also you to go to another carrier with an annual plan. The price is attractive but the network is not reliable.  Think twice 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

This is exactly the issue I'm currently trying to figure out for my in-laws.  I convinced them a few years back to go on the $10 plan. They're on fixed incomes and this was considered a "luxury" that they could afford. They strictly use it for safety reasons as they are still independent and it gives my wife some piece of mind.

PM was a leader back then with plans like that to service people in these situations... but now they are like all the rest... nothing special here any longer.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi Public Mobile,

These changes reduce what I am getting from PM for the same prices I am paying now. You are violating the contract based on a clause you point to. The same clause makes this contract totally one-sided, so much so that it is an "unconscionable"  agreement which is invalid.  You can bring out a new program but you cannot weasel out of the contract which you are bound to. In addition to making many customers upset, you are inviting a class action law suit against the company. I strongly suggest that you grandfather the existing contract obligations while introducing this new program. Bulent, 

HI @Bottomshelf 

to file formal complain with PM, please submit a ticket with CS Agent using this Chatbot link:  Type the question "Submit ticket", Then click the following in order: "Contact Us" ,  "Other",  "Log In".  
If any issue with ticket submission, you can  submit by direct message:   

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Did you file a complaint with PM, wait for a response from PM before filing a formal complaint with the CCTS?

How did you file your complaint with PM?  I was trying to determine where the PM formal complaint could be filed.

Is there a specific link I can go directly to file my complaint to PM?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
@Oakestester and for anyone on the lower priced plans aka seniors, financially vulnerable or just those looking for a plan that saves them money for things like food, the hit is substantially greater...

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Yup and it hasn’t escaped my attention that the new program doesn’t even include the word “rewards” in its title. At least they’re being honest and upfront about something for a change

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@4star601*existing rewards become ongoing points*  is where you're mistaken as an existing customer on the $15 plan after 5 years.. $15*.05=$0.75 - new reward is no where close to the existing $2 autopay/subscription and $5 loyalty reward.. and the 10 points/$10 a year doesn't come close to making up for the difference.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

If you do the math, the old loyalty rewards were more beneficial than the upcoming point system.  For example, on the existing reward system the $15 plan on auto pay, gets you a $24 annual benefit at $2 per month (BEFORE considering years you are a customer = $1 per year, max. $5 total).  Under the new system the customer gets .75 points per month ($15 x 5%) or 9 points annually plus 10 anniversary points .  Equating points to dollars that gives you 19 pts or $19.  On your anniversary you get to apply 15 pts ($15) to reduce your monthly fee or you pts for promotions contests etc.
Granted, the difference is only $5 ($24 vs $19) for this specific example and not accounting for a customer's years with PM (maximum 5 years), it may mean a lot to some customers at the lower income level.  For other it's the principle of why they signed up in the first place; a cheap no frills plan.

I'm on the $15 plan paying $7.84 .  In my case I will be paying over $85 more annually. At my plan value, there are NO(?) equivalent plans at the $15 that will also give you "rewards" like PM?  Although the new rewards are not much, I will wait until May to decide I should leave PM.  If I do leave the Freedom Mobile $119 prepaid annual plan sounds like a good deal even though I will be paying more $80.08 (PM 5 yr customer)  vs $133.28 and this not even factoring my spouse who also is a PM customer.

As others have said, the major impact is on the $15 plan as others on a higher $ plan ($25 and above) have more options to shop around.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I think this is their plan, just because I see certain people (including Oracles), who appear to be pushing this as if it's some sort of great compromise. Feels too convenient to not be coordinated.

The reality is, that would just be another slap to the face. These plans should already be available to all customers, not just new ones. They're literally offering objectively better plans to people who haven't even given them a cent yet, but not to loyal customers who have paid them for years. Just very disrespectful and they clearly don't care about loyalty at all (which makes sense, considering they're getting rid of loyalty rewards).

What makes it worse, is that porting out to another company, and porting back into PM (in order to obtain these exclusive offers), isn't even that difficult, and they know this. But they also know that if you port out and port back in, you'll lose your legacy rewards, so that's another reason why it's exclusive to new customers. I guess there just weren't a lot of people biting on their tricks, so they had to force the removal of the rewards system instead.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Rubbing the PM crystal ball, I can see those two 4G plans ($24/$29) currently available for new subscribers only magically being made available to existing customers as well just days before the forced migration to the new points system! 😉

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