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[Resolved]- Rate Plan Changes that did not go According to Plan- Good Grief Charlie Brown

Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

Hey community,


As some of you have noticed, there were a couple of things that did not go according to plan today.




Sorry for the confusion! We are working on a fix right now, and will let you know when the errors are corrected. In the meantime, we wanted to share with you all the information that we do know.


Plan Price is not Reflecting Bundle Discounts, but Amount Due is Correct


Update on August 8, 2016: This issue has been corrected! 


You will notice when you log into your account in self serve and look at your ‘My Plan’ section that your plan price and amount due are different, as circled below. You will only be charged the amount due. In the example below, the customer would only be charged $45, not the $60 price point. We are currently correcting the price plan value so that it will incorporate the discounts associated with bundling.




Other places where the incorrect, unbundled pricing occurs are circled below.



Customers who Pre-Selected a Rate Plan that was only Available Prior to July 28th for their Next Billing Cycle need to Upgrade to the New Suite of Rate Plans


This is a niche problem that will only apply to under 200 of you. If you pre-selected a rate plan that you wanted for your next billing cycle and that rate plan no longer exists as a result of the plan option changes, you will need to upgrade to the new suite of rate plans. Sorry for the inconvenience. The bright side of this is that most plans are cheaper or provide more value for the same price.


Big shout out to @Aamna and @fmpsportsguy who helped us identify issues and website inconsistencies so quickly! Another big shout out to those who have helped other community members upgrade and take advantage of our great new rate plans.


Thanks for your patience and support- we will keep you posted on any and all updates.


Public Mobile Community team


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Thank you so much @Shazia_K for taking great care of @cutvit

Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired



I understand, I will apply a credit of $3  to your account since the new plan costed $32 and not $35. 





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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi Shazia, 

Thanks for your quick reply, forum is the best to get help, saving me many hours to work on my computer because of public mobile website's problem like last time.


The only reason I was in on the old grandfathered plan at $35 for 30 days just because the changing plan process on the website doesn't work. So there was no choice when I wanted my phone work when I was on the holiday trip.

If the 'set up' buton on the buton work was working as it is support to be, I did get my $17 for 10days, or at least when I have to choose 30 days, I could pick plan $32 (I did try so many times, but it didn't work to change on any other plan, the botton resest never work) 


Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

Hey @cutvit


I'm sorry about this, 


You were still on the old grandfathered plan at $35 for 30 days Canada wide talk plan. 


You also used the service for the complete 30 days, therefor I'm really sorry we won't be able to credit or refund. 





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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi Shazia, 

Thanks so much for your help.

Yes, you did change plan for me successfully. Thanks again.

By the way, could you let me know can I get the refund for last month, I wanted $17 plan like this, but change plan didn't work and it cost 35$ for 30. But infact, the real price on your web is 32$ for 30days Canada wide, not 35$ neither.


Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

Hello @cutvit


I'm sorry about this, 


Can you please reboot your phone? I have made the changes for you. 





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Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

Hello @cschaller


I'm really sorry about this, 


Due to some error this could happen that your plan change did not go through. 


I will be glad to look into this and make the changes for you. Can you please private message me with your Public Mobile phone number? 





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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

same here. changed my plan which was due on saturday 6th. plan change did not work (pending order was there until friday then on saturday gone), but they blocked my account because they wanted to charge me on 6th a higher amount (older plan was more expensive) for which i did not deposit money (obviously why should i?)


no answer for 48 hours, mobile locked.


do they care at all. their systems dont work and let the customers without mobile for days and even dont reply

Nice to see that wrong price is now corrected 🙂


Thank you PM.

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Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@marcnoel don't be sorry, I'm apparently completely out to lunch!  Not only is that difference indeed $45, it actually appears to be tripple the $15 pick-2 90 day plan discount on the $120 90 day plan, and not double as I have seen in the past.  Perhaps this is a new flavour of the bug.  My apologies for any confusion!

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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
Sorry to be "that" person - $ 120.00 minus $ 75.00 is
$ 45.00, not $ 55.00.

@geminihc wrote:

I cannot find the following page to see this:



Its on the Overview Page of your self-serve account. Its the first page shown after loggin into self-serve. 

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If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I cannot find the following page to see this:





Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Hi @tbeerejo,


Are you on the 90 Day plan with unlimtied calling to Canada and the US, international texting, and 4GB of data, for $156 (minus any rewards, plus any taxes)?  If so, you could keep that, OR, move to the new 90 days unlimited Canada/US talk, texting, and 6GB of data for $150.  This would save you $6 (again, before any rewards and taxes) per 90 days and also give you 50% more data while retaining the same calling and texting as before.



Or are you maybe on the 90 day plan with unlimited Canada-wide talk, no text, and 6GB of data for $155?  If so, again you can keep that plan, or you could move to the new version with the exact same options (Canada/US calling, no texting, 6GB data) for $135, saving you $20 per 90 days for the exact same things you get today.


Hopefully that helps.  I don't see any reason why you (@tbeerejo) would not want to move to the newer version of whichever of those two plans you were on previously, as the new equivalent plans are better value.  Does that clear things up?


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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@tbeerejo,you should be able to change your plan rightaway if an equivalent plan is cheaper for you, if you have more than 45days to go. Otherwise, you'll need to "preorder" for your next billing period.


"You are on a 90-day plan and would like to change your plan or receive a credit for the difference.


If you have used less than 45 days of service, we can either: (1) credit you the difference between your existing rate and the new rate for a plan with the same options or (2) update your existing plan to the new suite of plans. If you take advantage of the credit, it will be one time only. After then, you are expected to update your plan options to the one that best meets your needs.


Be sure to take action quickly if you want to take advantage of the new plan options.

If you have used more than 45 days of service, we won’t be able to credit or change the rate plan for you since you have used more than half of your existing plan.

That being said, you are able to future date your plan for the next billing cycle. "



Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Ok now I'm thouroughly confused - I now go back to the plan chooser and for a similar plan to what I had before it says its $135? Since I'm a new user, maybe Ill just wait till my 3 months is close to being up in October before I look at what I'm supposed to be paying for the next 3 months.

Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

Hello @tbeerejo


Thank you for your feedback.


If you are currently on that rate plan, you can actually keep it!


If you self-serve account shows a different price; don't worry. The discount is simply not being reflected, and it should not affect the price on your next renewal.


Furthermore, as our new plans offer you more bang for your buck, I am confident that your son will find one that meets his needs 🙂


I hope this helps, 



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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

UH - I would like to keep my old plan? My plan was previously $156 for 3 months, and now all of a sudden its gone up to $201?Not cool, I was just about to switch my son's plan over to Public Mobile, but if this is the way you guys roll I won't be doing that.....

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I am extremely pleased with PM since I become a user. Thank you for grandfathering the existing plans and I hope that it stays intact until " I " make changes. Sounds very fair to existing customers.

I need and have a cell phone but not any high usage for Talk, Txt or Data so the old basic plan is more than adequate for my needs. My plan is 90 day - Province wide Talk - International Txt - 1 Gig Data with a 400 min Add-On for long distance. Never have used a long distance minute and my Data today after 65 days is 112 meg used.

You can see why I am keeping my old plan, I have everything I need and it works out to just over $33/month. Where else can anyone get a deal like that.

I'm sure the new plans are great news for many clients.

Thx PM glad we met.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I see. Okay. Thanks for your input.

@marcnoel I think it means someone who was on 1GB/90 days plan and before his renewal and before July 28, he made changes to upgrade his plan to 4GB/90 days plan which is no longer available. In that case, he has to make changes again to get on the new 6GB plan. Same thing if you upgraded or downgraded to other unavailable old plans. 

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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
Brooke_C said:

"Customers who Pre-Selected a Rate Plan that was only Available Prior to July 28th for their Next Billing Cycle need to Upgrade to the New Suite of Rate Plans

This is a niche problem that will only apply to under 200 of you. If you pre-selected a rate plan that you wanted for your next billing cycle and that rate plan no longer exists as a result of the plan option changes, you will need to upgrade to the new suite of rate plans."

What exactly does this mean? It seems contrary to the info posted elsewhere that those who were on old plans are grandfathered in, and may keep them.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@srlawren , I appreciate your prompt response and vote of confidence. I certainly hope that my minor issue will have a good resolution, before my account goes into an unexplicable state of expiry, and my account becomes suspended (such as what happened to me a month ago). Smiley Indifferent


Thank you also for the the helpful URL links, I will take a look at them both.


I agree, that we are not all perfect, in fact no one individaul can make such a bold claim. We do not live in a perfect world, if we did, we wouldn't face the everyday problems we face with poverty, hunger, war, crime, prejudice, stereotypes, hate, etc. To live in such a world without those problems, we would have to create a secluded Utopian Society to shield ourselves from outside negative forces and influences. The world does not work this way, and each individual has the choice to do good or to do wrong.


When a group of people come together to form a collective band, that's when true strength shines the brightest. Strength in numbers is the force that will prevail, and overcome any obstacle set in it's path.


If I could say one thing about myself, it's that I am perfectly imperfect, as I too tend to make mistakes sometimes, but that is what makes me who I am, and by human nature, everyone makes mistakes. When you realize the mistakes you have made, and you acknowledge them, and make every effort to better yourself from those mistakes, that is what makes you a truly unique individual.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@kav2001c yes that was on purpose.  I don't want to assume that folks will sign up for auto-pay, or use the community, or refer anyone.  I should have said a disclaimer that my calculation was for your base plan cost per calendar month, before any earned rewards or applicable taxes.  Even before you apply rewards, these plans are pretty **bleep** good for many people's needs!

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@imm1304 wrote:

@srlawren  For the $120/6GB plan highlighted on the PM homepage:


120/90 = 1.3333  >>> 1.33 x 365 = 486.6666  >>> 486.67/12 = 40.55


So, "The full package for $40.55/month*"  The 55 cents can be smaller superscript.  



You forgot the remove the $2 monthly autopay credits

Plus if you really are doing 365 days you also would need to remove $1 per year (loyalty reward)


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Hi @Alex-M.  I'm not sure of Mary's specific hours but it might be tomorrow morning before you hear back now.  Hang in there, they will make it right!


For more info about the Oracles....


Yes we are just enthusiastic PM customers like yourself, whom earned a bit of a reputation for being helpful at least some of the time!  We're not perfect, but we do our best to point people in the right direction, or to flag Shazia or Mary when needed to resolve an issue.




EDIT:  corrected typo in Shazia's name.  Oops!--as I said, we're not perfect 😉

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Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I'm not exactly sure what having the title of Oracle refers to, but I think that it may have something to do with Voluntary Community Member when regular PM Customer Support Staff is unavailable?


Would any available Oracle be able to tell me how often or how frequently Mary_M checks into the community forums here? I have recently Private Messaged her about an issue I had experienced when updating my old plan to the new plan rate while still keeping all the old details / features of my old plan. The only thing that changed was the price, but now I have this odd $3.00 charge that I have still owing?!


I made payment in full today on July 29, 2016, and it was $42.00 before tax. It came out to $47.46 with tax.


My old plan was $45.00 before tax. The only thing that changed was the price when I did the update, as I aforementioned.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@srlawren  For the $120/6GB plan highlighted on the PM homepage:


120/90 = 1.3333  >>> 1.33 x 365 = 486.6666  >>> 486.67/12 = 40.55


So, "The full package for $40.55/month*"  The 55 cents can be smaller superscript.  



Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

How to caluclate the actualy monthly amount of your rate plan, to compare to other carrier options:


On a 90 day plan?:


Take your 90-day plan cost, divide by 90, multiply by 365, and divdie by 12.

Example:  my 90-day plan costs $135.  In my head I think of this as about $45/month.  But actual cost is:  135 / 90 x 365 / 12 = $45.63 per calendar month.


On a 30 day plan?


Take your 30-day plan cost, deivide by 30, multiply by 365, and divide by 12.


Hopefully that helps.  🙂  



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