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Latest Enhancements to your Public Mobile App Experience!

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community, 

We are excited to share, our team continues to work hard on improving our app to enhance your experience. 

Starting today, there will be a number of enhancements released in the Public Mobile app. This significant improvement not only ensures a smoother and more seamless user experience but also enhances overall app performance. Thanks to all your feedback shared with our Community, and from participants in our recent user testing sessions, it’s played a significant role in shaping our journey. 

We understand that while we can't address every single concern instantly, we're committed to gradually making changes that matter most to you. Please continue sharing, and to sign up for future user testing opportunities to contribute feedback directly to the team working on these enhancements. Thank you! 

Latest updates

  • Performance & Esthetics 
  • Navigation Paths  
  • Data Usage Feature 

Keep an eye out for more updates in the future as we continue app updates and improvements.

- The Public Mobile Team 




Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

You use to be able to see this but it seems to have recently changed. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Public mobile is separate from the community. Its two different log in. Go to the public mobile home page and log in from there. If you don’t have your password request to reset the password through your email address. There are multiple options for two step verification. 

@Tiffiny124 Walmart doesn't sell Public Mobile sim cards anymore. Your only option is a corporate Telus or Koodo store, or Amazon which is actually cheaper anyway. Otherwise you're stuck ordering from Public Mobile directly, which I wouldn't advise because their shipping times are inconsistent at best.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Koodo/telus will not help you. This is all done online. I did not need to down load the app to get my virtual SIM card. You can go into a Walmart and purchase a physical SIM card. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Unfortunately it’s all done through messages back and forth. You never know when you will receive a reply. Once you do and you respond you’re back to the bottom of the message list. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Talking to anyone about really problems is impossible. I’m fairly tech savvy and the only time I ever needed help the system was glitching and the community couldn’t help. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Where the bugs fixed

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

The community has to do the lion share of the customer support for this greedy company.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@jumphightosee8 - You can submit a ticket here quickly: 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

That bot is useless!

HI @jumphightosee8 

sorry, PM support is all online via ticket.

 please submit a ticket with CS Agent using this Chatbot link:  Type the question "Submit ticket", Then click the following in order: "Contact Us" ,  "Other",  "Log In".  
If any issue with ticket submission, you can  submit by direct message:        

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Is there a feature that I can talk to a real person for complaints?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

When they are going to charge the app?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

What about a calling usage feature? Broken down by Canada vs US vs other long distance (also a data usage breakdown by these categories would be helpful)

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

How do I do this?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Yes. It won’t trust the device for my EversafeID. Why can’t it all be just one app one password?!

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Oh no download speed is irrelevant once when I'm out what I need have no buffing the speed is fine I watch YouTube videos at max quality. I meant the public mobile app need to be me snappy . This is my speed test 5g 50gig Canada/USA data plan . Not bad for half bar the upload speed I can careless 


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Kydd : Great improvement now we just need the speed

Are you referring to download speed? Here's what I'm getting.


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Great improvement now we just need the speed 

Why can't you download it? Is your Google Play Store set to a different country? Or is your phone too old?

In either case, you only need the app to do the initial activation. Once activated you can manage the account fully from the web. Noting that, can you find a friend or family member who can download the app for you to do the activation? The PM sim doesn't need to be in that phone. Or do you have a tablet you can download it on?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am in BC in Sechelt and cannot download the PM app from Google Play to activate my eSim.  I need an alternative or I will have to bin my PM subscription.  Can I get this sorted at my local Telus/Koodo store?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I'm happy with the new plans that include free roaming in the USA. I used to spend quite a bit over the course of a year on roaming charges since I live close to the US border. 

The Community account that you're posting to here is a separate sign-in from your account login.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I still cannot login and yet when I post a comment it has my name. What is happening?  I cannot access my account to CANCEL a service I am NOT on.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

The app is getting better all the time. It's still a bit slow but even that seems to have improved with the latest tweaks 👍🏻

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you for the update.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Want to be able to see list of referrals 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

The application is better but we will pay dearly for this improvement with the abolition of the rewards program.

@dwh1 I noticed the same thing on Android with regards to going back a screen. The left to right swipe on my Pixel should go back, but most of the screens within the app doesn't seem to work that way.

I don't notice the animation, but it could be because the Public Points migration popup keeps showing up over top of it while it's loading 🤷

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@J_PM Overall this app is a huge improvement from past versions, and while it's clear that there are areas that are still being worked on, I wanted to call out two things on the iOS version:

- the animation on the data usage meter is more annoying than helpful. The app knows what my usage is fairly quickly, and yet I have to wait for the animation to display it to me.  I'd really like that animation to be eliminated.

- The app lacks a "slide left to go back" gesture which is almost universal in IOS apps, so I keep trying to go back and then having to remember I need to scroll to the top and tap the Back button.

These are small issues compared to the overall improvement in this version, but hopefully you can consider these changes for a future version.

Need Help? Let's chat.