11-09-2020 11:48 AM
Hi Community,
On November 25, 2020, provincial and territorial governments will be conducting another test of the Alert Ready system. Alert Ready is designed to deliver critical and potentially life-saving alerts to Canadians. Test alerts educate Canadians on what an emergency alert will look and sound like in the event of a life-threatening situation.
The test alert will be distributed on TV, Radio and wireless. However, not all Canadians will receive the test alert on their mobile device. This may occur for a variety of reasons; device compatibility, connection to an LTE network, cell tower coverage and device software and settings.
To learn more about the Alert Ready service, what devices are supported, and the test schedule for your province or territory, visit alertready.ca.
- Public Mobile Community Team
11-26-2020 07:14 AM - edited 11-26-2020 07:26 AM
I miss the good old days when they had those "civil defense sirens" ("air raid sirens").
I really liked the ones in my neighbourhood which sounded like a droning submarine AWOOOGAAAAH. It was hard not to get the message at 135dB.
Way more effective than this officiously busybody "Canada Alert Ready" text messaging system. What a waste of tax dollars.
11-26-2020 07:04 AM
Recieved loud and clear today at 1:55pm pt. So loud it scared my cat !
11-25-2020 11:51 PM
11-25-2020 10:50 PM
I set my phone to airplane mode for an hour this morning at my doctor's office.
I did not received Alert today unless it was sent out during my doctor appointment.
11-25-2020 10:27 PM
The emergency was recieved by both sim cards in my dual sim galaxy A3 (LTE/3G/2G) and (3G/2G). It was not recieved on the samsung core cell phone. On time at 1:55pm pst but about 2 minutes later on the tv?!!
11-25-2020 10:23 PM
No alerts received on my three test devices. No alerts received on two other devices.
No SMS-CB broadcast. Nothing to test. Much ado about nothing.
Can't say this inspires my confidence in this "emergency alert system". 🙄
11-25-2020 10:14 PM
It seems emergency alert system wide fail in Alberta.
Relatives in Calgary Alberta
Bell iphone no alert
Shaw Mobile iphone no alert
11-25-2020 09:55 PM
@LurganIeUk wrote:uh.....my phone is on LTE but my cellular switch is off...but I got it!!
Data doesn't need to be turned on to connect to the LTE network, nor does data need to be enabled to received the official alerts.
11-25-2020 09:54 PM
uh.....my phone is on LTE but my cellular switch is off...but I got it!!
11-25-2020 09:51 PM - edited 11-25-2020 09:52 PM
@LurganIeUk wrote:
@westcoastsurf wrote:Vancouver, LTE on, did not receive.
Ok...dumb question.....what does LTE on have to do with receiving a text??
For whatever reason, this alert system was only setup so that the messages would only be sent out over LTE networks.
11-25-2020 09:47 PM
@westcoastsurf wrote:Vancouver, LTE on, did not receive.
Ok...dumb question.....what does LTE on have to do with receiving a text??
11-25-2020 09:44 PM
Vancouver, LTE on, did not receive.
11-25-2020 08:30 PM
We got ours today in Port Coquitlam BC..the same place as the last test was done. We were at Costco!!! Gee....I must hang around there toooooo much!!!
11-25-2020 08:25 PM
No alert on friend's Telus phone south Alberta
No alert on other friend's Koodo phone south Alberta
How about Roger or Shaw or Bell network in Alberta?
Anyone know?
11-25-2020 06:58 PM
No alert message on Android 10 device Lte connected in southern Alberta as of 4:30 mst
11-25-2020 05:26 PM
Got it in Toronto, ON
11-25-2020 05:19 PM - edited 11-25-2020 05:19 PM
@Anonymous wrote:
@ShawnC13 wrote:Got it in BC at 1:55
Ditto. WTS 🙂 .
For anybody wondering why they didn't get it, you need to be primarily connected to LTE and to have not blocked or disabled these alerts.
The alerts can't be blocked (on most phones) other than by turning off the LTE networks. The settings in the phones to disable these alerts do nothing.
11-25-2020 05:18 PM - edited 11-25-2020 05:28 PM
@ShawnC13 wrote:Got it in BC at 1:55
Ditto. WTS 🙂 .
For anybody wondering why they didn't get it, you need to be primarily connected to LTE and to have not blocked or disabled these alerts.
Edit: thanks computergeek541. I was sure I saw that setting somewhere and I did...it was on and greyed out 🙂
11-25-2020 05:07 PM
Got it in BC at 1:55
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
11-25-2020 02:57 PM
11-25-2020 02:46 PM
Got it exactly at 13:55 EST (Quebec)
11-23-2020 02:52 PM
Here’s when the test message will be issued across the country:
Alberta: 1:55pm MST
British Columbia: 1:55pm PST
Manitoba: 1:55pm CST
New Brunswick: 10:55am AST
Newfoundland and Labrador: 10:55am NST Northwest Territories: 9:55am MST
Nova Scotia: 1:55pm AST
Nunavut: No test scheduled
Ontario: 12:55pm EST
Prince Edward Island: 12:55pm AST
Quebec: 1:55pm EST
Saskatchewan: 1:55pm CST
Yukon: 1:55pm MST
Read more at MobileSyrup.com: Canada’s public alerting system issuing test on November 25
11-23-2020 01:21 PM
It's most likely required....
11-22-2020 09:58 PM
Thank for the notice.
Public Mobile is everything my previous provider wasn't.
Beenbable to show some friends what a great deal they can get by switching .
Keep it simple Public Mobile.
11-21-2020 06:41 PM
Thanks for the head up.
It's good that it is only a test. Never want to have a real thing 🙂
11-21-2020 11:13 AM - edited 11-21-2020 11:23 AM
So you think we think Public Mobile thinks we think this alert about an alert shouldn't be unnecessary?
11-21-2020 10:54 AM
Thanks for your reply about the alert for the alert.
This is a reply to your reply about the alert for the alert.
"NOTICE: If you notice this notice, you'll notice this notice wasn't worth noticing"
11-20-2020 01:06 AM
A modded version of Signal SMS. It was a project which took a few hours (almost all of the work already done by devs, I just changed and customized things I didn't like). Now I put an hour or so into it a couple times a year (because Signal updates encryption/etc, because I can't replicate things like SMS-CB transmissions on demand).
If you can code and compile then you can change any aspect of the app's behaviour you can think of, within device hardware limits. The focus of my modding was to not be confined by the various inconvenient/undesirable privacy limitations (invasions!) the consumer version of the app is legally required to implement. Plus I wanted access to iMessage emoji libraries because I interact with some iPhoners.
11-20-2020 12:49 AM
@Korth you have me curious, what have you modded ? 🤔 I'm still wondering if there's a way to get it to not over ride do not disturb mode... Even with no sounds except repeat callers it comes through. Best I've found is a setting to not over ride silent mode, it just shows visual display which I'm cool with... I want the same with DND mode !
11-19-2020 11:48 PM
Hi Vivian,
Thank you for keeping us informed. I was good not to be caught off guard.