Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
since ‎02-03-2015

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  • 54 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 9 Bravos Given
  • 21 Bravos Received

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On CA-US plan, will the international long distance to non-CA/US numbers work while in US?
I have been looking for promotions this season for CA-US plans.. only QC has, how about for ROC?
I have 2 PM phone numbers, one with $15 having more rewards and another with $40 plan with less rewards. Can I request to interchange numbers?
I'm on an old rewards system, if switched to the new 4G plan, will the $2 auto pay discount get effected?
I'm planning to change from 3G to 4G and wondering if this would impact promotional data given for $35+ plans last year. 
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